“ltr ”>Best to get this breakthrough here and now.

Li Luo hesitated no more and switched his energy direction—he plugged his waterlight resonance and sent all of the energy towards his woodearth resonance.

Li Luo's new plan was to first get his woodearth resonance to the limit.
Since the resonance grade was lower, it would require less energy.

And once the woodearth resonance evolved, he would be in the Evolving Resonance Tier.
Even if the evolution was not complete, he should be able to bring his waterlight resonance through sooner rather than later.

Wave after wave of absinthe energy.

They flowed into his brownish-green resonance seed, flushing it with energy until it was shining like a star.

Li Luo could feel that it was on the verge of bursting, unable to take any more energy.

He did not stop, continuing to force feed more energy in.

Soon enough, his woodearth resonance seed was quivering, the patterns on its surface spreading like lava overflowing from a volcano.

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Li Luo knew that the limit had been reached.


He heard something breaking apart, and Li Luo instinctively felt his woodearth resonance seed give way.

He was not alarmed, but instead triumphant.

This had to be the evolution.

More and more cracks started to appear along the patterns of the seed, then an emerald-green resonant power oozed out.

Slowly, the resonant power formed a little sapling of jade.

Its roots were planted firmly in the resonance seed.
It laid down more and more, until the entire seed was covered with the roots.

Roots digging deep, the sapling grew into a tree that replaced the resonance seed, silently taking its place in the resonant palace.

This was an affinity evolution—no longer raw, shapeless power, but a manifested symbol of the element.

Basically all wood resonances grew trees.
For the Duke experts, their wood resonant power manifested as an entire forest, so bountiful was their power.

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Li Luo only had one handsome, little tree for now, but there was an additional patch of brown dirt at the base of the tree.

The dirt was also glowing with life.

Li Luo knew that the tree was the manifestation of his wood resonance, while the dirt was the manifestation of his earth resonance.

His woodearth resonance's manifestation might look similar to other wood resonance users, but the little patch of dirt could not be underestimated.
It was a base for his tree to grow even stronger, making it more difficult to uproot.

Within his resonant palace, the little tree swayed happily.

As it swayed, resonant power fell from its leaves, and the resonant power…
it was even stronger than that which came from his waterlight resonance, even though the latter had the higher grade.

Such was the power of the Evolving Resonance Tier.

Of course, strictly speaking, it was his woodearth resonance that had kicked him over the line…

Li Luo sighed with relief.
In the end, the copious amount of absinthe energy from level 40 had managed to get him over the line.

Although his dual resonances had allowed him to enjoy some ridiculous advantages in battle, it sure was a pain in the ass to upgrade.

Still, the hard part was over now.

[TN: The last member of the Duze Beixuan-Wang Hejiu squad is a girl called Qi Luozi.
She had some vine resonant power and has been completely forgotten by the author…] 

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