ecting team upside down and started the timer, comfortingly saying, “It’s okay, it’s only ten minutes.”

Song Yunran grunted a few times before asking, “Are you blaming me in your heart?”

“Why blame you, the program team will not rely on the lottery to decide tonight’s accommodation.
We will win back later on, it is fine.”

Qin Ke turned his face sideways, “Besides, even if I was allowed to draw just now, I wouldn’t necessarily be able to draw the first two sets.”

Song Yunran has a little bit of weakness, he has not yet told Qin Ke the truth about the original work.
This person simply does not know that he has the protagonist halo on his head.

After a few seconds of silence, he changed the subject and said, “I don’t know what the worst house will be like this time.
In case we don’t win in the end, will the program team let us live on the opposite side of the mountain, where the house is as cold as an ice cellar, without any fire-making equipment, and we can only drill wood for fire in the end.”

Speaking of this, a trace of panic emerged on Song Yunran’s face.

The scene he imagined is too horrible, and it already floats in his mind that he is squatting on the ground with Qin Ke and the two of them, panting and rubbing in the snow with firewood in the freezing weather.

Qin Ke: “…… should not be so much.”

“How come not so much!” Song Yunran said uneasily, ” Have you forgotten about that utility room last time, what they can’t do.”

The innocent staff lying on the gun: “?”

The whole five-minute test of courage is just a challenge.
Don’t say that we are not human.

Qin Ke held back his laughter and reminded him, “This is the Northeast.
If you can’t keep warm indoors, people will freeze to death.”

Song Yunran thought about it: “Oh, yeah!”

The staff is speechless, but also “Right Oh”.

What’s the matter, did you just remember that we are just a mediocre travel variety show, not wilderness survival or a legal program?

It’s not easy to wait for ten minutes, but it’s finally their turn to go.

Song Yunran stood up impatiently: “Say, where are we going.”

The director was determined to sell the story: “There’s a car outside, you’ll know when you get on it.”

Song Yunran was determined to win back in this session, and as soon as he heard that there was a car outside, he immediately pulled Qin Ke out of the restaurant.

The driver is a local villager, with a simple face, but his mouth is terribly rigid.

No matter how Song Yunran questioned, he refused to reveal the slightest content.

But soon, Song Yunran did not need to be hinted.

He looked at the vehicle along the mountain road all the way up, between the lush trees, there are two spacious snow trails vaguely visible, and his heart already came up with an answer.

The destination is a ski resort.

Just getting out of the car, Song Yunran was frozen for a moment.

He pointed to four familiar figures in the distance: “Are those the other two groups? Why are they here too?”

Qin Ke guessed, “This time is it a skiing competition?”

The group leader who had been waiting for a long time answered their doubts in due time.

As Qin Ke guessed, this time the program team set the rules for choosing the house as a skiing competition to determine the winner.

The fastest team to complete the skiing challenge can directly get three keys, but each group can only assign one person to participate at first, if the guest found after practicing that they can not complete the challenge, then you can replace with the second guest on board.

If two guests from the same group are ultimately unable to succeed, then they are directly considered as forfeits.

“You are twenty minutes down on the first group,” the director reminded, “so you better make a decision as soon as you can.”

Time was pretty tight.

Song Yunran didn’t hesitate and said directly, “I’ll do it then.”

Qin Ke pulled him uneasily: “Let me try first.”

Skiing is not like other ordinary sports, it’s exciting and also a little dangerous.

With Song Yunran’s impetuous and impatient nature, it is very likely that he will go on the field before he is fully prepared, and Qin Ke does not want to see any accidents happen to him.

Song Yunran can see the worry in Qin Ke’s eyes.
At the same time, his heart is happy, but his face is full of pride: “Don’t worry, I have learned to ski when I was young.”

Qin Ke was stunned, he never knew Song Yunran had this skill: “Are you sure you can?”

“Don’t doubt people just because I failed in the lottery, listen to me, let me go on.”

Song Yunran misunderstood his meaning and ordered, “Find yourself a place to sit, after appreciating my performance later, we can go to choose a house.”

The director pressed on and reminded, “You said the same thing before you went into the utility room last time.”

Song Yunran was dumbfounded for a moment, it seems he did say something similar and then was hit hard by reality.

Really thinking back he can still feel the embarrassment from that time.

“Last time it was you guys who scared people indiscriminately, how can you count that.”

His eyelashes fluttered, and he looked up at Qin Ke, seriously emphasizing, “This time I really can!”

Qin Ke lowered his eyes and watched Xiao Song looking aggrieved like a little kid who was doubted by the adults, and after a moment he laughed silently and said in a low voice, “Good, then I’ll ask you for the key today.”

Song Yunran was encouraged, clenched his fist and promised, “Don’t worry, leave it to me!”

After saying that, he turned around and went into the office of the ski resort to choose his equipment.

Behind him, the director inevitably and curiously asked, “Mr.
Qin, aren’t you afraid of failing this challenge again?”

Although it is a travel variety show, if they fail again and again for the same reason, the netizens will definitely complain and may even laugh at Song Yunran for not knowing his own strength.
This is why she has just taken this into consideration and politely reminded Song Yunran to think twice.

Qin Ke slowly exhaled a breath and spoke calmly: “Last time was just an accident, I believe that this time, he can definitely win.”

Firstly I am extremely sorry for not giving any prior notice about not posting the chapters.
I had my cousin’s wedding going on until the end of January and then maybe because of a lot of traveling I got some viral infection.
I had a really high fever and a bad cough.
I am just recovering so the updates will still be slow.
Again, I’m sorry for disappearing just like that.
My first language isn’t English, and there may be some grammatical errors.
But I try not to deviate from the author’s narrative.
If there are any errors or nonsensical sentences, feel free to comment.

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