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Slowly looking at the people, her gaze stopped at a young woman.
When the woman’s eyes met Anne’s, she bowed her head in surprise.
Unlike the other women who wore the same maid outfit, she looked like she was not a servant, seeing that she was wearing a beige dress.

Walde checked the gaze where Anne lost her gaze, she cleared her throat.

“That is .
Miss Marie   .
Miss Marie is .

“I think I know.”

She must have guessed right when she saw the chief handmaiden’s troubled expression.
As Anne went straight to the woman, the woman who had only clasped her hands raised her head.

The woman was the mistress of the Grand Duke, the owner of this castle.

The woman’s first impression for capturing the Grand Duke was the exact opposite of Anne’s expectations.
She was also mildly impressed by her modest-look and gentle impression with her brown hair tied loosely.
Even the outfit she was wearing was very simple for the Grand Duke’s only loved one.

“I’m Angroanne Libelois.”

“I- I’m Marie.
I have no last name.”

It meant that she was a commoner.
Anne, who she thought had already known, did not know how to speak immediately, was taken aback for a moment.

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Did he not bestow a last name?

If it was a mistress, he would have been able to give her a last name from a lower family even if he couldn’t give her the last name of the Grand Duke.
She wondered why he hadn’t completed that formality yet, but Anne didn’t show it and showed a benevolent smile.
She then gently took the woman’s hand and wrapped it around gently.

“I heard that my brother, no, Lord Robert Libelois showed you disrespect.”


She was the first to approach, but the woman shrank her shoulders without answering.
She kept trying to pull her hand out as if she was too uncomfortable with her.
She trembled as if she had been frightened, and Anne felt as if she had become a bad person.

Was I too impatient?

She had no intention of taking sides with her blood relatives in the first place.
Also, she didn’t think she felt sorry for a woman who would have almost suffered a terrible thing.
Just because she didn’t want to remain in an unnecessary relationship, she meant to show the broad tolerance of nobles.

“In the future .


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Suddenly, Anne’s hand was slapped away violently.
The back of her hand tingled.
Marie’s eyes widened, perhaps even more startled now that she had knocked Anne’s hand away.

“I’m .
I’m sorry, I didn’t know .

While desperately apologizing, Marie kept looking upstairs.

Anne, who followed her gaze and looked up at the second floor unknowingly, was startled.
There was a man there, with both his hands on the railing, looking down at them.

He is a young man with a cool face like the owner of a cold winter.

Bright red eyes as if observing her.
Like a beast’s eyes that were staring intently at her as if he was hunting her and counting where the prey would jump to.

But Anne had a different reason for stiffening.

The man .

Was who she saw last night.
She couldn’t see his face exactly, but her senses said.

“He is the Master of this castle, Grand Duke Cromund.”

Ashton said cautiously from behind Anne’s frozen body.
That man is the one who will become her husband in the future.

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