hese Academy students and the Royal Guard Division will not change.
The gratitude and blessings for those are real.
It has nothing to do with whether the accolades to the Crown Prince and his friends were exaggerated or not.

“Um… Your Highness Ludwig… is this okay? This all is thanks to that lady…” Simon quietly whispered to Ludwig amid the commotion, with an uncomfortable look on Simon’s face.

“–! I see.
I suppose you noticed as well, Lord Simon?” Ludwig whispered back.

In all this noise, no one else would have heard them.

“Yes, because I’ve seen that lady’s magic…” Simon replied.

“Ah… so that’s how.
I see it now.
Certainly, if you’ve seen that girl’s magic, you’ll know who did it… does Rutger know as well?” Ludwig asked.

There is only a handful who can use such out-of-the-ordinary magic.
As the future King who should be able to know anything in the Kingdom of Ploiss, there is only one person who comes to mind.
Ludwig was convinced that if he had seen the magic of “that lady” even once, he would immediately trace it to her.

“No, I’m not sure if Lord Rutger knows,” Simon replied.
“Would you like to tell him?”

“No, let’s keep silent about this,” Ludwig said.
“I and Rutger are also rivals in romance.
Isn’t it okay if I have a little bit of an information advantage over him?” he added, smiling mischievously.

Simon’s mouth falls open as he finds himself speechless.

“Yo-You’ve noticed…?” Simon finally manages.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Ludwig said.
“I and Rutger have been together since we were kids.
You can tell at a glance who has stolen Rutger’s heart.”

That’s right, Simon agrees.
Simon can roughly understand what his childhood friend thinks and feels at a glance.
Sometimes he can’t read, but that’s also important.
It might be nice to know everything about each other, but Simon knows that trying to get to know each other is also important for the bond between the two because there are things they just won’t understand at a glance.

“That lady has no intention of boasting about this incident to the people around her,” Ludwig said.
“That’s why she didn’t show up and handed over her achievements to others.
Then what we should do is keep from spreading information about her to places that don’t need to hear it.
It’s not about wearing stolen valor, it’s about understanding that girl’s feelings and leaving her alone.
Am I incorrect?”

“No… you’re right…” Simon said.

Simon is also very indebted to “that lady”.
Simon also understands that “that lady” is a little eccentric and doesn’t like to stand out.
In that case, as Ludwig said, it would be their role to make sure that “that lady’s” wishes are met.

Simon’s feelings for “that lady” are “respect” and “loyalty.” He has some admiration for her as a woman and a romantic partner, but he doesn’t think they’re even close to being balanced with each other.
Above all, he didn’t have to feel such strong feelings of love or romance because he had someone that had been on his mind for so long now.
If Simon hadn’t met “his childhood friend”, his heart would have been captivated by “that lady” by now.

And even though he has his future master before his eyes, Simon’s loyalty was already devoted to “that lady.” Of course, as a noble of the kingdom, he is prepared to serve and protect the royal family, but if he can only protect either the royal family or “that lady”, Simon will protect “that lady” without hesitation.

“However…” Simon said, “wouldn’t it be better to inform Lord Rutger and tell him not to spread this information? At this rate, if Lord Rutger knows nothing about it, he may order an investigation…”

“That should be fine.
If Rutger’s set his information network to task, they should have already found out about ‘that lady’.
She’s not that careless,” Ludwig said.

“So I see…” Simon said.

Simon was convinced by Ludwig’s strangely persuasive words.
After this, the parade continued to the royal castle, and the people who had made achievements this time were to be rewarded by His Majesty the King himself.

The next day, Berne Academy was originally scheduled to be closed for 3 days starting that day, but naturally, there was no time for that.
The staff runs around to collect information and conduct interrogations and site inspections, and people enter the forest and conduct field surveys.
Meanwhile, Ludwig visits a mansion in the royal capital.

“Hello, Flora,” Ludwig said.

“Huh…? Your Highness Ludwig?”

Ludwig makes a wry smile at Flora still calling him “Your Highness Ludwig” despite all these years, and he prepares to down across her as she was drinking tea.

Originally, if there was a visitor, the House Servants wouldn’t allow them to go straight to the master’s room.
Despite this, Flora turned her gaze to Helmut who had let Ludwig through without informing Flora of Ludwig’s visit.
Guessing what that gesture meant, Ludwig followed up,

“Ah, about him…… please don’t blame Helmut,” Ludwig said as he sat himself down.
“I forced him to let me through to here without telling you.”

“Is that so……?” Flora asked.

Flora fixed her eyes on Ludwig.
Ludwig didn’t say a word, only moving his gaze slightly toward Helmut.
Flora senses his intent and dismisses her servants.

“Thank you for your work, Helmut,” Flora said.
“You and everyone may leave now.”

“At once…” Helmut muttered.

A cup of tea is served before Ludwig before Helmut and the other maids all leave as one.
After the room was vacant but for them, Ludwig picked up the tea, enjoyed the aroma, and then put it in his mouth to drink.
After taking his time, he opened his mouth and said,

“The day before yesterday, you rescued me.
I wanted to give my thanks to you for that.”

“The day before yesterday?” Flora asked.
“I haven’t stepped foot outside my home since I finished exams at school,” she lies with a straight face.

Ludwig smiles, amused.
“I just want to say what I please, so please, just listen to me.
I was ready to stand up in the moment but the circumstances rendered me useless.
I thought I had studied swordsmanship, magic, and all other matters better than anyone else but none of it mattered.
I almost had to make sacrifices of everyone for my sake.
It’s thanks to those who helped me that time that no one died.
So, thank you.”

Ludwig gently took Flora’s hand and kissed the back of her hand.

“-Hii!?” Flora squeaked.

She stiffens with a strange posture and expression.
Flora is often thought of as a perfect superhuman who is usually very graceful and has no flaws in her behavior, but she actually has a weakness.
She is so naive that even the slightest touch of Ludwig causes her to turn bright red and freeze.
Ludwig stood up, a smile spreading out on his face from how lovely and innocent his future bride was.

“My apologies,” Ludwig said.
“I really would wish to relax more with you, but I can’t seem to find the time for a while.
I must confess I sneaked out again today.
The tea was delicious.
I will see you later.”


Ludwig hurriedly returned to the castle, waving goodbye at Flora as she was still frozen in the same pose and expression as when Ludwig had kissed the back of her hand, like a doll whose soul had escaped it.

T/N: For those of you wondering, the Japanese response went between, “I know that Prince Ludwig isn’t that bad and is very well-mannered and a good person, but he’s still a man getting in the way of the Lillies.”, “Maybe it would have been fine if it was anyone except Flora.”, and “She’s going to need to disinfect her hands and her mind of everything that happened just now.”

Next chapter, we go back to Flora’s perspective and get to the finale of the Bayen counter-suing saga.
Sorry for those of you that wanted more courtroom drama but there’s none of that and we just get the important part: the decision.
Flora had extenuating circumstances (camp training and her duty as a royal knight), an identity to keep secret, and a competent manager that was much more experienced in business law and lawsuits and would have been much better suited for suing the ever-loving daylights out of Bayen.

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