Tian Tian off, and then entered her house nervously.
She was not sure whether her grandma would cook for her.

But as soon as she opened the door, she could smell food.
Bai Qing Qing was immediately happy.

“Why are you shouting so loudly now? Are you calling for spirits?!” Li Su came out of the kitchen angrily, a spatula in her hand.
“Hurry up! Put down your bag, wash your hands, and get the dishes!”

Bai Qing Qing put down her bag and washed her hands with a smile on her face.
“Hey, grandma, where is dad?”

“Your dad is still there.
I have to return after I finish eating,” replied Li Su.

“Ah? What will he eat for lunch?” Bai Qing Qing wondered.

“When I went to the market to get some vegetables, I bought him some meat buns.”

For the first time, Bai Qing Qing sympathised with her dad.

After a while, the food was ready.
Bai Qing Qing looked at it.
It was a few simple dishes, hot and sour shredded potato1, stir-fried vegetables2, braised chicken wings3, and meatball soup4.
“Eat quickly!”

“Mm, grandma should eat more.” Bai Qing Qing first served Li Su, giving her a braised chicken wing.

Bai Qing Qing took a bite of the chicken wing and her eyes lit up.
She never knew that her grandma’s cooking was so delicious.
“Grandma, how did you make these chicken wings? They’re delicious!”

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“If it is delicious, then you should eat more.
No need to speak nonsense!” Li Su stared at her.
These were Coca Cola chicken wings.
A bottle of coke costs 3 yuan, while 600 g of chicken costs 5 yuan!

After quickly finishing her meal, Bai Qing Qing helped Li Su clean up.
“Grandma, I’ll wash these bowls.
You can go to dad.”

“Will you be fine at home alone?” Li Su asked as she filled a bottle with cold boiled water and held two meat buns.

“Don’t worry, grandma.
I’ll be fine.”

While Bai Qing Qing was only 8 years old, she was used to housework and was very smart.

“Okay, then I’ll go.
Be careful and lock the door,” said Li Su.

“I know, grandma!”

Li Su hurried out.

Bai Qing Qing was halfway through washing the dishes when she heard someone knock on the door.
She thought it was because her grandma had forgotten something, so she ran to open the door.

It was Zhang Yuan who knocked.

“Grandpa Zhang, what’s wrong?” Bai Qing Qing asked in surprise.

“Oh, I’m here to look at your dad’s leg.” Zhang Yuan frowned.
“How can a little kid wash the dishes? Where is your grandma?” He thought that Li Su had changed for the better, it turned out she hadn’t.

“My dad isn’t at home.
Grandpa Zhang should come back tonight.
My grandma isn’t at home either,” said Bai Qing Qing.

“Not at home?” Zhang Yuan’s eyes widened.
Did Li Su really take Bai Yun Shan out to beg?

My grandma took my dad to the next town to beg for food.
My grandma said that she will use my dad to the fullest, and that the family does not raise idle people.
Grandpa Zhan, are you okay? I’m going to wash the dishes,” Bai Qing Qing said seriously.

Zhang Yuan laughed.
“Then I’ll come back tonight!” He then left.

Li Su returned in a hurry.
Bai Yun Shan was almost dried up.
He was hungry, thirsty, and dried out by the sun.
“Why did you come here!” Bai Yun Shan said irritably.

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Li Su took out two meat buns from her pocket and unscrewed the cap on the bottle of water.
“Eat quickly!”

Bai Yun Shan was upset.
He figured that since they were in public, she wouldn’t dare to hurt him.
He became bolder and cursed.

Li Su didn’t say a word.
She just remembered this.
She would wait until they returned, then she would teach him a lesson!

But the people passing by couldn’t stand by anymore.
“Why are you like this? Your mum isn’t eating or drinking, but she brought two meat buns and water for you.
You’re still like this? Really!”

The passer-by pulled Li Su aside.
“Old lady, here is fifty yuan.
You can use it to buy something delicious to eat and drink.
Don’t worry about your son.
He’s so fat anyway.”

Li Su hurriedly refused with an honest and simple appearance.
“No, I can’t ask for your money.”

That passer-by couldn’t help but put the fifty yuan into Li Su’s pocket.
Although Li Su’s three views weren’t correct, she didn’t want to abuse the kindness of others.

“Good boy.
Good people are rewarded.
I have taken your intentions to heart, but I really can’t take your money.
If you really want to give me money, just give one yuan.
I can’t ask for more,” Li Su insisted as she forcibly returned the money.

The passer-by was touched.
“Auntie, you are so kind.
If my mother was still alive, she would be the same as you.” He then stopped insisting and took 10 yuan from his pocket and shoved it into Li Su’s hand.
“Auntie, you can’t refuse this money anymore.”

He then bowed his head and walked away with tears.

1(酸辣土豆絲) hot and sour shredded potato

2(清炒小青菜) stir-fried vegetables

3(紅燒雞翅) braised chicken wings

4(肉丸湯) meatball soup

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