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Li Fuchen had already prepared a killer move when the Giant Bat Beast dove at them.
With the Rotating Flow Sword Style executed, a ring of fire crashed into the Giant Bat Beast.
It stunned the Giant Bat Beast for a brief moment, which Fan Qiansong utilized to dodge.
At the same time, Fan Qianyu’s attacks landed on the body of the Giant Bat Beast.

“Attack now!”

Wei Shanhe and Song Qinghe’s group launched an swarm of attacks.

Only Fu Chongshan, Xu Heishan, and Li Wuxue didn’t made any contribution.
They couldn’t wait for the Giant Bat Beast to kill Li Fuchen’s group.

A dark green blade light shone… It was unknown when Su Muyu got to the top right of the Giant Bat Beast.
Fresh blood spurted as her scythe swung downwards and nearly severed the wing of the Giant Bat Beast.

“Such strength.
She is almost at the level of Emotionless Sword Xue Feng.” Li Fuchen’s eyes widened.

Su Muyu’s ability was without a doubt, the second most formidable Earth Realm martial artist that he had witnessed, apart from Emotionless Sword Xue Feng.

Of course, it was also because he hadn’t met a lot of experts yet.

Take for example Sword Maniac or Sword Tiger.

The Giant Bat Beast staggered and crashed into the ground with the momentum of its dive.
It was completely incapable of flight as it slid on the ground.

With the Giant Bat Beast grounded, it could only utilize 30% or 40% of its overall ability.
Under the assaults from everyone, the Giant Bat Beast was soon enough slain.
They had its abdomen opened but couldn’t find any demonic core.

Afterwards, the group spotted another few class 3 high-tier demonic beasts.
Some were strong while some were weak.
With their combined ability, they were actually able to defeat an existence like Emotionless Sword Xue Feng.
Thus, they didn’t meet with many obstructions.

With the fog, the route on the map became much more useful.
Half a day later, the group finally found the entrance to the tomb.

The entrance was a small hill which was empty within.
A massive metallic gate was constructed with two pillars on the outside.

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In an instant, Li Fuchen’s group and Li Wuxue’s group made their move.

The target of Li Fuchen’s group was Xu Heishan, while Li Wuxue’s group targeted Fan Qianyu.

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What Li Wuxue’s group didn’t expect was that Li Fuchen’s group seemed to already know their target was Fan Qianyu.
They set up a triangle formation with Li Fuchen and Fan Qiansong in the front, while Fan Qianyu was in he back.

The first wave of attack was simple, the six of them each threw out their offensive items.

Li Fuchen threw out about a few dozens of Thunderblast Bomb, which cost about hundreds of thousands of contribution points.

Fan Qiansong and Fan Qianyu each threw out metallic bombs.
Each of these bombs would explode upon contact with unstable qi flows, releasing countless metallic beads which were scarlet red, like tiny meteorites that had penetrative power.

As for Fu Chongshan’s group, all three threw out Thunderblast Bombs.

The Azure Water Sect, Violent Sabre Sect, and Heaven Fiend Sect belonged to a certain region of the Eastern Unicorn Continent.
They were rather nearby to a formidable sect called the Thunderbolt Sect.
This Thunderbolt Sect specialized in the production of firearms.
The Thunderbolt Bombs and Thunderblast Bombs were firearms made by the Thunderbolt Sect.

These three sects would regularly visit the Thunderbolt Sect to import batches of firearms.

Of course the most powerful firearms that the Thunderbolt Sect put out for sale was only the Thunderblast Bombs.

The single firepower of a Thunderblast Bomb could kill a regular low leveled Earth Realm martial artist with its explosive power.


Intense explosions could be heard continuously.
Sparks and fire extended throughout the entire radius of a hundred meters.
There were scarlet red metallic beads shooting all over the place, creating hundreds of scars and pits in the surface of the ground.

Su Muyu and the rest had already retreated from this region.
They observed the battle for a moment and lost interest.
They headed towards the metallic gates.

The smoke gradually cleared out.

The area in front of the metallic gates was in a complete disorder.

Several meters away, Li Fuchen and his group each held onto a large shield, forming a semi dome, protecting their bodies.

On the opposite side, Fu Chongshan’s group was in a pathetic state.

The three of them were holding shields as well, but they didn’t work together and instead fended for themselves.
The firepower from the Thunderblast bombs and metallic beads made them suffer quite a bit.
Especially Li Wuxue who was cluttered with numerous blood holes that was oozing with blood.

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