Hellbound With You (WN)

Chapter 29: Gutsy little lamb

After some time, Abigail finally woke up and found that she was lying inside a car. Her head throbbed in pain, her mouth was dry and her vision was a bit blurry. She blinked a few more times to get a clearer picture of her situation and she began to remember the things that happened before she passed out.

She felt her hands tremble a little from the memory, but when she saw the silhouette of that perfect figure sitting on the driver ’s seat, her increasing panic and accelerating heartbeat slowed down.

The man was leaning his head on the headrest with his eyes closed. She would never get used to seeing the perfection of his face. He was like a jellyfish, beautifully emitting its own light under the dark ocean, but if you touched it… you ’d be poisoned. And Abigail had the strongest desire to touch this beautiful, mysterious jellyfish, even knowing that it might lead to certain death.

As Abigail stared at him, she slowly recovered from her lightheadedness. It was outrageous but she momentarily forgot that horrific experience just by staring at him.

Suddenly, the man spoke but his eyes were still closed. ”Miss Chen… I hope you already learned your lesson. Never attempt this again. I ’m telling you one more time; someone like you doesn ’t belong in my world. You belong in your own peaceful paradise, ” he said, still not throwing her a glance.

She could hear in his voice the blatant warning and she clenched her fists tightly. She felt like there was something caught in her throat and the words he said before she passed out echoed in her head. ’I told you… you can ’t handle it… ’

Abigail felt the urge to cry.

She didn ’t understand… all she wanted was to fall in love. All she wanted was to experience saying those three words – ’I love you ’ – to the man she loved, and to know how that would feel. Was that really too much to ask? That was all she wanted, her only wish… so why can ’t things just go smoothly as she wished?!

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