I Was Admitted To The Villain School Chapter 37.2

Lin Xinghe added, “If the human bride and the hadal ogre groom really held a grand wedding on the cruise, why are there no traces of it? The only painting related to the bride is hidden behind the back of another.
Oh, the hadal ogre was obsessed with the beauty and kindness of the maiden, but he was reluctant to share it with others.
The only manuscript depicting their story was hidden in the jewel box in a locked wardrobe in a dark space behind a picture frame.
Could the human bride really be that bad, to be hidden to such an extent? Isn't this the kind of scumbag in modern times who talks about his girlfriend but refuses to reveal her and hides her?”

Fu Zhou admitted, “When you say it like that, the hadal ogre seems to really be a scumbag…”

Lin Xinghe replied, “It's just an inference, there isn’t enough evidence to prove that the hadal ogre was actually a scumbag…”

Lin Xinghe flipped through the sheepskin manuscript again and finally found a line on the last page—

Destiny guided you here.
Everything was arranged by God.
If you accept him, the key to the door of happiness lies in your hands.


Thinking of something, Lin Xinghe went to the bed, turned over the wedding dress, and finally found Lilith's name embroidered into the skirt.

Fu Zhou, “What type of superpower do you have? You can even find something as small as this?!”

Lin Xinghe said, “It was just a whim.
I thought that there might be embroidery on the wedding dress, but I didn't expect it to be her name.
I made a wild guess and verified it.”

She thought about it more and said, “So the last line was written by Lilith.”

“Who was it written to?”

“It should be someone else.
According to the legend of the bride in the codex, it was Lilith who first fell in love with the hadal ogre.
If she fell in love first, there is no such thing as accepting or not accepting his courtship.
Her words seem to be persuading others to accept the hadal orges.
So, who is this other person? Who did Fate guide here…”

Lin Xinghe thought about it some more, but she wasn’t able to come up with anything.

At this moment, the reincarnated passengers who had been huddled in the corner were marginally less afraid.
One of the people even gathered up the courage to ask, “You…
Who are you?”

Lin Xinghe said, “You don't have to be afraid.
The ligui on board signed the Alpine Rimerose Treaty with us.
Now, we humans and the ligui live in peace.
As long as any one of you can give me useful information, you can all leave.”

She asked all the other returning passengers the same question she had asked Ling Xiran— it wasn't that she didn't believe Ling Xiran, but she felt that maybe other people would have some different information.

“…It's not completely safe here, but I haven't told anyone this.
I was worried about everyone else panicking,” a short man in the corner said suddenly.

Lin Xinghe looked at him and said, “Continue.”

He added, “It's true that the ligui and the hadal ogres cannot enter this place, but after half a year, a special ogre will enter here and kill everyone inside.”

Fu Zhou asked him, “How did you find out?”

The short man revealed, “My older brother also came aboard on this cruise, and I came to find him after he disappeared.
When I first went on the cruise, I bumped into his spirit, which told me about this safe zone.
Neither the ligui nor the hadal ogres could get in, but all the people who escaped to this area only had half a year to live.
If they couldn’t escape from the curse of the cruise ship, a special ogre would come to exterminate everyone in this room once every half year.
My brother hid here and was killed by the special ogre half a year later.
His spirit escaped and survived until the end of the second round of the massacre and until I got on the boat, but I never saw him again after that…”

Lin Xinghe got another key piece of information—a special ogre.

It was also at this time that she discovered that there were holes all over the wall opposite from the entrance.

The short man said again, “These holes will appear when the walls are exposed to light or sound, but as long as the light and sound disappear, they will also disappear.”

Lin Xinghe felt it was a little mystifying.

She asked Fu Zhou to put away the light bead.

When the room was dark again, she touched the wall and felt that the holes really disappeared.
The wall was flat and cold.
But when Fu Zhou shot the light bead into midair, the holes were once again visible to the naked eye.

She stretched out her hand and poked one—it really led to the outside.
No wonder the people inside couldn't make any sound or light—the ligui outside would have tried their best to kill them through these holes.

Lin Xinghe said to Fu Zhou, “The material of the wall is the same as the material of the entrance behind the painting.
Can you ask Jiuge to come and see what it is?”

Not long after, Jiuge came over.

Jiuge didn't know what it was and conjectured, “It's like a metal that only exists in the deep sea, specifically in the hadal zone.”

“…Deep sea? Hadal zone…” Lin Xinghe murmured.

Fu Zhou asked, “It's also related to the hadal ogres?”

Lin Xinghe stated, “I have a question now.
From their clues, we can deduce that only the special ogre can enter this place.
Presumably, the characteristics of this material do not affect the special ogre.
The holes are also man-made, but it is only possible for the special ogre to make holes in it; that is to say, these holes are full of contradictions…”

She trailed off into thought.

Fu Zhou thought she had come to a conclusion, and asked expectantly, “So?”

Lin Xinghe replied, “This exam room is quite interesting.”

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