se voice, “Found it.
The scent of the Fallen Demon Sword.”

He wiped out eight sects on the way here and finally made it to the right sect!

The Man in Black lifted his head.
His gaze cut through the night and landed on Lin Mufeng.

Lin Mufeng was unafraid and indifferent.
He glared back at him.

“Oh? He dares instigate me as a low-level cultivator?”

His voice was as cold as ice.
He levitated like he was weightless, floating mid-air.

Lin Mufeng ordered, “Get in formation!”

Every disciple of the Lingyun Immortal Pavilion immediately focused their powers on the ground.
The elders joined in, too.
Suddenly, it was bright.
They had formed a shield of light across the entire area to protect the Lingyun Immortal Pavilion.

“Fools!” scoffed the Man in Black.
He raised his hands and all the darkness in the air came to his palms.
The dark energy was getting intense.
It started howling.

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Finally, the Man in Black made a jet-black ball of darkness.
It was horrifying to look at and darker than night itself.

He pointed with one hand and the ball of darkness elongated into a long, black rod.
He was going to attack the light shield.


The black rod was like a needle popping a balloon.
The Lingyun Immortal Pavilion was completely defenseless.

Every disciple looked terrified.
They spat out fresh blood from their mouths.

The man in the black robe was unimaginably powerful!

He lifted his hand and the darkness transformed into a hand-shaped cloud.
It grabbed Lin Mufeng up.
He asked coldly, “Where’s the Fallen Demon Sword?”

Lin Mufeng was stubborn.
“You don’t deserve to know!”

The black-robed guy frowned as he glared at him coldly.

Suddenly, the sounds of zither could be heard in the dark!

The zither sounds were creating visible waves in the air, lashing toward the black-robed guy!

The darkness surrounding him instantly faded.

“Damned demon, surrender and give up!” said the Big Elder.
Eight people suddenly appeared.

They were like saviors in a crisis.
Heroic, powerful, and with halos.

“I knew it! I knew it!” Lin Mufeng was overjoyed.
“The expert sees everything.
It was all a part of his scheme.
Excellent, excellent!”

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The five elders looked at the black-robed guy.
They looked serious and did not stop playing their zithers.
The zither sounds were gradually chaotic as they disturbed the quiet night.


The Man in Black was livid.
He roared at the sky and his robe was flying around in the wind.
He held a small string of bells in his hand.
The bells chimed.

Ring, cling, clang.

Demonic powers came in waves.
The chiming bells were somehow louder than the zither sounds.
It made them feel like they were imagining it.
They started to feel dizzy and were in a daze.

The demonic clouds formed a big black skull, opening its mouth and roaring in the sky!


Everything went dark.

Darkness was everywhere.
The five elders who were playing the zither jolted.
Then, they dropped from the sky like kites with snapped strings.

The eight of them showed up in time, but they were soon gone.
They were out in mere seconds.
They looked at the Man in Black from the ground with fear in their eyes.

The joyous look on Lin Mufeng had vanished in a flash.
He was surprised and confused.

What was going on? The helpers from the expert were too weak in comparison.

Maybe…there was a mistake in his plan?

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