hese things already….
seeing them for himself made him feel like they were suddenly bad at describing things.

How come they didn ’t truly explain how sitting in one of those buses felt like?

How come they didn ’t really talk to him about the amazing customer service here?


William felt like it was all a dream…
as he stood over his balcony window in a daze, while looking at the busy streets of baymard, as well as the high-rise buildings around him.

The people smiled and went about their days merrily….
as if there was nothing in this world that could stop their shine.

The entire place was so futuristic to him, tagt he almost thought that he had traveled to another world instead.

But one of the best things about the place was it ’s people.


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When he was at the Landport, as well as on his way to his hotel…
He had realised that no matter what one ’s background was, whether rich or poor…..
the staff here all treated people like kings when attending to them.

It was truly an eye-opener for William….
as he secretly made a mental note to instill such values when he took over Arcadina.

Of course these were just one of the good qualities and strengths about Baymard that he had quickly noticed.

The other thing was their technology.


When they had given him and his men keys to their rooms and led them in, they all felt like all this was somewhat impossible to believe.

How did clean water suddenly appear just from turning a metal stick whenever they wanted?

Even the lights didn ’t need fire to light them up…..
they used something called lightbulbs.

There was another thing called the toilet…
which he thought was really ingenious.

No! No! No! No!

The real ingenious thing was the toilet paper.


It felt so soft against his but compared to sponges, grass or even rags.

And one shouldn ’t forget about the fact that the room could get hot or cold if he chose to make it so.

In short, there were just too many good things within Baymard…..
as well as too many secrets here, that could lead one to develop the temptation of dreaming about conquering the place if they were not careful.


He called it a dream because without a doubt….
he truly believed that for Baymard to open its doors to all…..
that meant that it had enough power to protect itself for the time being.

From seeing the bank, to witnessing several other miracles within this empire…
William couldn ’t help but sigh inwardly.

It looked like he was worried for nothing.

There was no way in hell this cousin of his would be bullied by Alec.


you all should stop joking around.

I want your honest opinions…..
Collins you go first. ”

”Young master….
this cousin of yours really hides too deep!!!!

What the hell?!!! ” exclaimed Collins excitedly, as he sat up from the cozy bed.

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”Young master!

For the first time…
I agree with Collins on this one.

But the real issue here young master….
is how we are going to see him.

Young master, as per your instructions…
I did a little bit of digging on the matter, and I can guarantee that it ’s near impossible for anyone to see the king without taking permission.

And unlike Arcadina ’s palace that one could enter using disguises…..
with this one, they thoroughly checked one ’s background and confirmed it with what they knew of, before one could use that route. ” Replied McCain, who was busy working down the food sent up by the staff.

”And that ’s not all young master…..

From my own research….
we only have 2 main shots at seeing him young master.

We can either do so, by accidentally bumping into him around Baymard.

But that route would also be near impossible to do….
since it wouldnt be easy to bump into a king anyway.

So young master, our final option would be to put in a formal request to see him.

Apparently, even if it were a king from another empire….
they too had to put in any sort of request before seeking his majesty Landon…..
unless he was already expecting them from the get-go.

Young master…
I suggest that we put in a request to see Princess Lucy instead.

She would definitely remember you after all this time. ” Collins said seriously.

”I agree young master….
plus she ’s less busy compared to his majesty Landon, so we would have a better chance going through her than any other person. ”

”_ ”


William calmly sat down and poured himself a glass of Dom Perignon, before turning towards his men.


It ’s been a ling time since I saw those 2 friends of mine.

we ’ll put a request later on toady.

But for now….
how can we miss auntie ’s wedding just like that? ”


And just as the decision was made….
they soon heard a gentle knock on their door.

’Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! ’

Who could it be?

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