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As soon as they entered it, a large gray fog enshrouded them, and it was all they could see.

“The fog of this Stellar Fog Sea is quite weird.
It can actually obscure my view.
I can only see for a few kilometers,” Jiu Zui said in a deep voice.

Jian Wushuang, Ling Long and Shui Jin also were aware of this.

It should be known that they were all experts at peak Step Six with awesome strength, so they had very good eyesight.

But they could only see things within one kilometer, which obviously meant they were being greatly restricted.

“This Stellar Fog Sea is incomparably mysterious.
We don’t know what’s in it.
Everyone must be very careful,” Ling Long said.

“Okay.” Jian Wushuang nodded, his eyes fixed on his surroundings.

No one knew what was in the Stellar Fog Sea at all because no one had ever really come out from it.

Like the Dao Master experts, they could only ever go around the perimeter.

The same was true for some of those who had mastered the Doppelganger Secret Skill.
They wanted to send their doppelgangers in to investigate the Stellar Fog Sea, but they could only circle the perimeter and could not enter the core, just like those Dao Master experts.

Jian Wushuang and the others walked slowly and cautiously in the Stellar Fog Sea, not daring to go too quickly.

They walked on for several days, and did not encounter any danger or any living creatures.

The entire Stellar Fog Sea was deathly silent.

It was so silent that it was terrifying.

After they walked on for a few days, they reached a place where the fog around them was significantly thicker than before.

It was at least several times thicker.

“We must have entered the interior of the Stellar Fog Sea by now, right?”

“Good lord, the fog here is actually much thicker.
With my eyesight, before, I could see things clearly for more or less about one kilometer, but now I can see only for about a hundred meters.”

“Me too.”

Their hearts grew heavy.

One hundred meters?

It was too short.

With such little visibility, if there was any danger ahead, they would not know before it was too late.

If they encountered a sudden attack, they would probably be dead before they saw its shadow.

“Jiu Zui, you come to the rear and I’ll go to the front,” Jian Wushuang said suddenly.

“You?” Jiu Zui gave Jian Wushuang a surprised look, but did not refuse.

Jian Wushuang walked at the front of the four-person squad, but did not rush.
He took a deep breath, and the next moment, the scarlet mark between his eyebrows abruptly split open, and a very weird, upside-down bloody eye suddenly opened.

One of the three Ancient God Secret Skills, the Scarlet Eye!

The Scarlet Eye Secret Skill was the most unique of the three Ancient God Secret Skills.

Its effect was to see reality and illusion clearly.
It could also penetrate the fog.

Jian Wushuang activated his Secret Skill.
Now the Scarlet Eye was opened, he could see clearly for more than a kilometer.

“Follow me,” Jian Wushuang said.

The group was astonished to see the weird blood-red eye between Jian Wushuang’s eyebrows, but they didn’t ask about it.
Following Jian Wushuang, they slowly marched on.

Only moments later, Jian Wushuang suddenly stopped.

“There’s someone here.”

Jian Wushuang spoke slowly and his gaze intensified.

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