What the hell was happening? These weird dreams were giving me headaches now. Yep, going mad. Oh, wait I was already mad before but was I going psycho now? The top I wore when I went to sleep was sticking to my body like a second skin. It was wet from sweat. Maybe I should contact some psychic. I decided against it, If Diana knew I was having nightmares or weird dreams then she will start to fuss again.

”Lets just not talk or think about it. It was just a dream. No need to freak about it ” I said to myself.

I sighed. It was bloody midnight too. Well, if I was awake then I should get some damn work done. With college and work, I don think I can balance that much.

I called the person managing the business in Russia. The phone was picked up as soon as the first ring ended.

(Da means yes in Russian)

”Da, boss. Any problem. ” Arseny Ivanov, the person who overlooked the entire business back in Russia. He answered, The Russian accent clear in his voice. I haven seen a person that loyal. He had the opportunity for Thirteen years to monopolize the business as everything ran under his name and also kill me but he waited for me to be found. I respected the man very much though he looked like he was not a day over 25.

”Not any major problem. You know I need to send a gift to someone. The Danvers family here in Vancouver. I need to send my gift to Matt Danvers and his father. You can do that, right? ” I asked him.

”Da, boss but they are our customers, It might impact our business. ”

”Arseny, I told you to say that I, personally send the gift and say that to keep his puppy safe. One more offense and he would be under 6ft ”

”Da boss, Anything else ”

”No, but come here for some time. There are some things here to deal with. ”

”Da ”

Now, the problem in the school will be solved even if I had exposed my identity. Those people in this type of business all knew there was someone above Arseny but they did not know who. Our business was strictly regulated. No drugs, No rapes, No innocent lives. We do take the killing contracts but that of people deep inside the mud.

The sound of the alarm clock woke me up. Yep, life was hell again and there was no one at fault than myself. The morning went by fast. I paired a white T-shirt and black denim. I had a fast breakfast provided by the hotel. If I wasted any more time, I was going to be late to pick up Isha. I went to her apartment and speeded toward the school.

”If you again drive like that then, I won ever ride with you. Man, you drive like bloody criminal running from the police of 12 countries. ”

”Yeah Yeah mother, I am a mafia leader of the biggest organizations in Russia, ” I replied.

”You, A mafia leader. I will believe if the hell finally freezes over. ” She said walking fast. How does she even walk that fast?

”You don believe me? ” I asked half smiling.

”Well, look at yourself. You are rich and maybe the richest here according to the bike you drive or the watch you wear but you in the mafia is impossible. Your muscles are on leaner sides, not the bulk kind. Yes, you may be able to fight but you look like a clean, rich, and possessive CEO type. ” Yep, this girl was blunt and her words hurt like that of being cut with a blunt knife too. I bid her good day as I went to my first class. The class was the same as that of yesterday, literature. I also happen to have the sit in front of the jerk named Danvers. Maybe the luck was on my side or something, He was not there. The class went smoothly. Even better was that non of his goons were present. Oh, yeah they were suspended.

”Well, How was hell? ” Isha asked as she sat in the chair in front of me in the cafeteria.

”Why is this place supposed to be hell? I thought that you came here for this sole purpose only. ”

”You don understand. Back in my country, The college and universities have options like partial students, full-time students or the one writing open exams like self-study and write exams but here 75% of attendance is mandatory. ” She said biting a piece of pizza.

”That must be fun. Why did y..? ” Someone slammed a fist on our table interrupting me and overturning our lunch. Isha shrieked. Damn girl her voice was loud. I looked up to see the ugly face of Matt Danvers and his goons and bitches. Yep, he had a thick skull. I might be needing to drill the warning into his head and send it to his dad as a gift. It seems that yesterdays warning was not enough.

”What, You think you are some kind of boss huh. Just calling your daddy to complain. You think I would be afraid that your so-called gift. I don like getting warnings. If you have gut then fight like a man. ” I was a boss and he thought that the previous warning was sent by my dad. I caught him by the throat easily lifting him into the air. The goons were dumbstruck by the sudden change standing there like a statue.

”Now, listen here you moron. I am not a daddys boy like you. I send those gifts or as you can call it a warning. I am the one at the top and remember my name, Marshal. Say your father that name and see his reaction then you will understand what the name means. Also, Ivanov is here so watch your head, or else there might be an extra hole on it ” I said in a low voice. I could not risk the whole cafeteria hearing us.

”Come on Isha we are going home. ” I pulled a dumbstruck Isha with me as I left the cafeteria and went toward the parking lot.

”Raziel Marshal, what the hell was that? ” she whispered as I pulled her with me.

”I told you something about having business in Russia, didn I? ”

”Yeah, ” she said uncertainly.

”Well Time to truly talk about my past. Lets get out first. ” I said as I got on my bike. The ride home was silent. I took her to my penthouse. She was surprised but did not ask questions. Diana was already up there. She raised an eyebrow at my company. I don know why I trust this girl so much. Maybe it was because she stood up for me.

”Diana this is Isha, the one I talked about, Isha this is Diana, my secretary, ” she said hello as she sat beside Diana.

”Diana, tell her everything about me please, and don give me that look its an order, ” I said as she was about to start an argument. ”Also has Arseny arrived? If he has said we are having guests ”

I went to have a quick phone call with the principal about the suspended students. Maybe I should send a warning gift for him too. By the time, I came down Isha was crying with a box of ice cream in her hand and a tissue in front of her.

”What happened here? Did someone die? ” I asked both the ladies.

”Nah, she is emotional from listening to your past ” Diana replied looking amused.

”Oh, Hey you bloody woman, I inform you I am the head of the top mafia that provides arms and weapons to every gang and group in the world, That does not bother you but my history does. Its not like I was tortured or something. ” I huffed. Honestly, Womens emotions are weird but hey! No disrespect to women. They are the biggest treasures, they are a mother.

Isha laughed despite her teary eyes. ” I did not believe that crap this morning but now I am surprised and also a little happy. My best friend is the coolest person in the world. You know its a pity you are a boy, You have all the aspects I look for in a person ” I was happy that she said I was her Best friend.

”So, you lean toward the other side, ” I asked her.

”Yep, I like mafia women, you know they are badass. out you, which side do you lean on huh? ” she said wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed.

”I don know, Waiting for the right person. As long as they are human, they will do ”

The doorbell interrupted our conversation. Diana went and came with a person, Arseny.

”Boss ” he greeted with a little bow. I nodded.

”The Danvers are here sir, the head is asking to meet you. No weapons along ” Diana said.

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