My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1172: Even Gods Can’t Escape

Chapter 1171 Mother And Daughter-in-law

Since the appointment with Absolute Sword Taoist was already set, Yang Chen was not in a hurry to deal with the problems at home. After waking up the next day, he went to work as usual.

It was more fun watching the news, surfing the internet and playing games with his cousin Yuan Ye.

Yuan Ye also had a lot more free time after Tangtang went to college. After all, college life was very attractive to the active Tangtang.

What made Yang Chen a little depressed was that Tang Wan had the similar workaholic temperament just like Lin Ruoxi and he didnt get the chance to be intimate with her. Fortunately, Tang Wan paid more attention to cultivation matters, after all, she was able to extend her lifespan. The temptation to stay beautiful was irresistible, so she would not slack off.

When it was almost time for lunch, Yang Chen planned to call Zhao Teng and a few subordinates of his to have a meal together. Yet, he got an unexpected call from Liu Mingyu.

Yang Chen picked it up and asked with a smile, “My dear Mingyu, its rare for you to call me when you have work in broad daylight.”

Liu Mingyu hummed, “I dont want to, but I have to extract some of my time out for today. I know you must be free so come and pick me up.”

“Pick you up? To where?”

“Dont ask, just come.”

“Tsk tsk, playing mysterious huh…”

Yang Chen smiled helplessly and hung up the phone. He sprinted downstairs, drove to the opposite Yulei, and picked up Liu Mingyu who was already waiting.

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