Much Ado About Nothing

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Since Yang Chen had discovered that he was wrong to accuse Lin Ruoxi of monitoring him, he had no intention of being a coward and not apologizing to her. However, Lin Ruoxi might still be fuming in anger over what he had said. Nevertheless, it was only right for him to do so. In his rush to make things right with her, Yang Chen had forgotten about the red wine and hurried upstairs where he stopped in front of the door of Lin Ruoxis room.

Yang Chen carefully went over the apology in his mind. When he was fully satisfied, he cautiously knocked on the door hoping for a reply.

There was no movement that could be heard and the room was seemingly empty but Yang Chen could sense that Lin Ruoxi was still in her room.

Yang Chen felt utterly helpless. Even though he had very little shame, he wasnt completely oblivious to the gravity of the situation. Yang Chen knew that if he were to forcefully barge into Lin Ruoxis room, she would fly into another fit of rage. It wouldnt matter by then if his intentions were right or wrong.

This left Yang Chen with no choice but to continue standing at her doorway. “Ruoxi, I know I am in the wrong for doubting you. Please, just try and be the bigger person and forgive me this time. I wont ever doubt you without finding out the truth first. I promise,” he apologized.

Silence emanated from the room. Yang Chen could only stand in her doorway and plead for his forgiveness.

He stood there quietly and patiently waiting for a response. But a couple minutes went by and there was still no response. It was clear to him that she had no intention of speaking to him. Yang Chen was left with no choice but to summon every ounce of his strength to walk himself back to his room, wine forgotten and emotionally drained.

Yang Chens mind was in a state of utter chaos. He was filled with the thoughts of the unresolved issues he had with Mo Qianni, and the fact that he had angered Lin Ruoxi to the point where she couldnt even be bothered to respond to his pleas. He felt like a failure which had no hope of salvation.

He spent the whole night tossing and turning, wondering how to go about the matter of getting Lin Ruoxis forgiveness. The very next morning, Yang Chen dragged his unwilling body out of bed and headed down stairs. He was greeted with the sight of Lin Ruoxi having breakfast with Zhenxiu.

Just as Yang Chen thought of approaching her, he saw a flash of annoyance and hatred in her eyes. Lin Ruoxi set down her chopsticks, stiffly stood up and said to Wang Ma who was just coming out of the kitchen, “Wang Ma, Ive already had my fill of breakfast. Im heading out to work now.”

Wang Ma, disappointed with her, said “But Miss Ruoxi, you ate so little this morning.”

“Im not that hungry,” said Lin Ruoxi offhandedly. She took her handbag and left without another word.

Yang Chen was left standing at the door that Lin Ruoxi had left from. He had to swallow his well crafted apology back to the pits of his stomach. The fact that Ruoxis hatred for him had reached a point where she wouldnt even give him an opportunity to speak up for himself, left Yang Chen in a state of distress.

Zhenxius doe-eyed gaze fixed itself on Yang Chens back and said, “Brother Yang, have you done something to stir up Sister Ruoxis wrath again? She looks angrier than ever before.”

Yang Chen mutely glanced at Zhenxiu. Can I blame her for being mad at me? In any case, I used to trust her but I slipped up this time and made the mistake of immediately doubting her character, he thought.

Unfortunately, regret was a disease with no cure. If such a cure existed, Yang Chen would have sacrificed his entire being for a chance to obtain that cure.

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