hall, Yang Chen looked at Lin Ruoxi and said, ”Ruoxi my dear, look at Chief Cai, she really knows how to behave well.
You ’re a fellow woman too, why don ’t you go help Wang Ma out? ”

After hearing what Yang Chen told her, given that she hadn ’t done anything similar before, Lin Ruoxi said, ”Why don ’t you go do it yourself? ”

”Cause I ’m a man, ” replied Yang Chen.

”Tch, you darned patriarch, ” commented Lin Ruoxi softly.
However, she didn ’t make herself heard and stood up to help Wang Ma prepare the dining table.

Shocked, Yang Chen thought, did she actually listen to my advice?

During lunch, the four that dined together didn ’t talk about much.
As they didn ’t have any alcohol, they quickly finished the meal.

Cai Yan still had to return to the police department for overtime after lunch.
After all, the matter at Dongxing had just been dealt with and there were many underground syndicates at Zhonghai that had to be rebuilt.
Thanks to the cooperative effort between the government and the Red Thorns Society, Cai Yan ’s schedule was rather packed.

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The moment she wanted to leave, Cai Yan hesitated for a bit before she said, ”Yang Chen, can I talk to you in private for a short moment? ”

Yang Chen was just about to go upstairs for a nap.
But when he heard what she had to say, he nodded and agreed.

Ling Ruoxi had just bid Cai Yan farewell.
Seeing that Cai Yan wanted to talk to Yang Chen without her presence, she couldn ’t help but feel suspicious.
However, she didn ’t put in on her mind and started cleaning the table with Wang Ma.
Even though she was a little clumsy at her job, that gesture made Wang Ma incredibly happy.

When Yang Chen and Cai Yan both stepped out of the house, he asked, ”Chief Cai, did I cause any trouble again? ”

Cai Yan retained a calm expression and said solemnly, ”Yang Chen, even though we ’ve had some disagreements in the past, I hope you can accept my sincere apology.
I know that it was me who blamed you wrongly.
Considering that we experienced a life-and-death event together, and the fact that I ’m a good friend to Ruoxi, can you accept me? ”

”Accept you? ” Yang Chen said as he began to smile, ” Chief Cai…
What did you mean by that? ”

As if noticing that her words sounded a little suggestive, Cai Yan couldn ’t help but blush.
What I meant was…
Could you not call em Chief Cai all the time? It sounds really formal and distant… ”

”Well… ” Yang Chen felt that Cai Yan was being sincere with her request, so if he continued to address her that formally, that would be a little unnecessarily cruel.
”Alright, I ’ll call you Cai Yan then. ”

”Thanks, ” Cai Yan said as her eyes brightened, ”Then, we ’re friends, right? ”

Friends we are. ” Yang Chen suddenly realized how cute Cai Yan could be.
Had it not been for her family background, she might ’ve been unable to become a police chief given her innocent personality.

Cai Yan began to smile as she said, ”I still have to thank you…
Well, for saving me without regard to your own life back then.
Had it not been for you, I would ’ve been caught between the crossfire and shot dead already. ”

”Chi– Oh, I mean, Cai Yan, don ’t over exaggerate the matter.
I didn ’t save you from no crossfire, alright? It had nothing to do with me, ” said Yang Chen as he blinked at her.

Understanding his intentions, Cai Yan stifled a laugh and said, ”I understand.
I ’ll act as if nothing happened. ”

As if one of her deepest troubles had been resolved, Cai Yan felt much better already when she left with her yellow Audi.

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Just as Yang Chen was about to enter the house once more, he saw Lin Ruoxi walk out with a black-colored leather bag.
Looking around, she asked, ”Did Yanyan leave already? ”

”That ’s right.
What ’s wrong? ”

”She left her bag beside the sofa.
It seems she forgot to take it back with her, ” said Lin Ruoxi with a furrowed brow.

Yang Chen looked a little suspicious and thought, was she that happy that she forgot to take her precious bag with her?

”Check if she has anything important inside it.”

wouldn’t go down too well, would it? How can we just dig into her stuff like that? ” asked Lin Ruoxi.

Letting out a bitter laugh, Yang Chen thought, oh, now she plays coy…
”If you ’re not doing it, I am. ”

”No way! ” Lin Ruoxi said as she retracted her hands, ”I guess I ’ll do it.
Let ’s contact her immediately if there ’s something really important in there. ”

After she searched the bag, she breathed a relieved sigh and said, ”Good thing there ’s no important documents or phones in there.
Let ’s give this back to her next time.
Or, maybe she ’ll come back for it later. ”

After the two entered the house once more, Yang Chen watched some TV for a while.
Just as he was about to go get his nap, Lin Ruoxi showed up in a new, white, autumn-season dress with a light brown bag slung over her shoulder.
It seemed that she was going to head out.

Based on what she wore, Yang Chen guessed that she wasn ’t going to the company.
But thinking of the matter with Gao Guoxiong, he couldn ’t help but ask, ”Where are you going? ”

As she put on her slippers, she said, ”I am going out with someone at a nice place.
I won ’t be coming back tonight either.
You ’ll have dinner with Wang Ma. ”

Going out?! thought Yang Chen with dissatisfaction, it ’s Sunday, so why didn ’t she ask me out instead?

Just before Lin Ruoxi stepped out of the door, she suddenly stopped and said to Yang Chen, ”It ’s with a girl, ” before scooting off like a hurried bunny.

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