“Ling Mu.” Ling Xuan finally ascended to the highest step.
From looking up at that man to looking at him straight in the eye, he stared at him fixedly.
“I’ve finally found you.”

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Chu MuYun had hidden himself for more than a hundred years.
Even though Ling Xuan flipped the Yao Realm upside down looking for him, he wasn’t able to find him.

Because this person had never existed before, so what did he have to look for?

Chu MuYun stared at him without saying a word.

The two of them stared at each other like this.
It seemed that their long gaze could compress time, and that they could turn back the clock and once again return to their beginning, to those most beautiful moments.

It was a pity that…

This was just the surface appearance. 

Without warning, Chu MuYun raised his hand and his long sword pierced through the air.
His form was like a dragon swimming and his aura was filled with colors.
This sword aura swept across the area and his attack was deadly and did not contain a single sliver of affection.

Ling Xuan met his blow with his own.
The two magic weapons collided together and the strong air current wave erased the metal impact.
The powerful force that spread outwards shook the entire mountain gate.

When their swords met, Ling Xuan raised his eyebrows and the corners of his eyes were filled with crazed heat: “Having not seen me in a hundred years, this is how you greet me?”

Chu MuYun smiled, “Don’t you like it?” 

After his voice fell, he twisted away quickly.
His long sword seemed tough but it was actually soft, like a whip, it ruthlessly swept forward to track.

Ling Xuan reacted extremely quickly.
He turned back and avoided the blow but he was still swept by the tail of the whip.
His cheek was scratched and his blood spilled… 

The wound was not deep but falling upon that handsome face, the effect was extra shocking.

Chu MuYun didn’t pause because of this at all.
Instead he pressed forward further, hitting Ling Xuan’s abdomen with another fierce blow.

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Ling Xuan’s pupils shrank sharply and he staggered away.
But right at that moment, a ball of fire-colored light just missed him and blasted into the white jade stairs, creating a terrifying deep black hole.

“If you don’t get serious..” Chu MuYun stared at him, curling his lips, “I will really kill you.”

Please read the latest updates at the original source: whiteskytranslations dot wordpress dot com.

Without even waiting for the words to fully finish, Chu MuYun made his next move.

Ling Xuan condensed his eyebrows and his eyes filled with flames.
His entire person seemed to have been ignited and the only thing left was his bones filled with crazed desire.

Ling Mu, one day I will defeat you!

And on that day, you will have nowhere to escape to!

Between lightning and flint, the two made hundreds of moves.
Chu MuYun didn’t want to destroy the LingYun Sect that he had worked so hard to build, so he retreated while fighting.
It was not until he was far away from this complex that he did his best to really defeat Ling Xuan.

As the battle raged on, the sun fell and the moon rose, then the moon set and the sun returned.
After several cycles, Chu MuYun finally locked onto Ling Xuan’s throat and successfully suppressed the adult little wolf dog.

Ling Xuan’s expression when looking at him didn’t change.
He didn’t feel discouraged after losing.
Instead, it ignited even a stronger will to fight, a stronger desire to win at any cost.
This was a fanaticism towards this battle that was ingrained into his bones.

This was the “Wrath” that was imprinted onto his soul, it was his nature.

Chu MuYun could see it clearly and smiled lightly: “You haven’t improved much…”

Ling Xuan stretched out his hand suddenly, grasping Chu MuYun’s wrist.

If Chu MuYun wanted to break free… or even kill him… it would be easy.

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Because the strength of this little wolf dog had already been emptied.
After so many days of fighting, the outcome between the two of them had already been determined.

Chu MuYun was not actually only slightly better, in fact he could have crushed him on the very first day.
The only reason he played with him so long, is to fully convince him and make him aware of the fact.

Of course… the other party didn’t actually seem to be convinced.

Just as Chu MuYun was about to speak, Ling Xuan pulled him closer and bit his lips.

Chu MuYun could have avoided it but he didn’t.
He also did not respond.

As if venting, Ling Xuan clasped the back of his neck and swept his tongue frantically in Chu MuYun’s mouth as if desperately searching for something.

Through his lips, Chu MuYun could feel his unwillingness to accept, his frustration and his overwhelming and earth-shaking wrath.

Please read the latest updates at the original source: whiteskytranslations dot wordpress dot com.

He was angry because of his departure, angry because he had been abandoned, angry because he had refused to meet him for one hundred years.

Until… Ling Xuan released him and embraced him into his arms.
With a hoarse voice, he whispered into his ear: “Why did you leave?”

Chu MuYun’s chin fell on his shoulder and his expression was very calm: “You don’t have the qualifications to ask me that question.”

Ling Xuan’s embrace became more forceful.

Chu MuYun however reached back with his hand, broke his grip bit by bit, and walked out of this embrace with a slow but inexorable force.

 “Ah-Xuan, I have my own things that I need to do.
I can’t stay with you all the time.”

Ling Xuan’s eyes gradually became cold.

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Chu MuYun looked at him, suddenly raised his lips and smiled softly: “You can’t control it.
In this world, there are many things that you can’t change.” 

What a familiar sentence, what a scene of deja vu.

Ling Xuan spoke, completely from his own instinct: “…I can and I will.”

Chu MuYun didn’t mind it at all.
However the corners of his eyes drooped slightly and he said slowly, “Then..
you can try it ba.”

After saying this, Chu MuYun gathered a lot of force into his palm and forcibly pushed Ling Xuan away.

There was a burst of dust and the red-haired man hit the mountain wall at the end before stopping.
This push was extremely powerful and there was a loud bang on the mountain wall.
Countless rubbles fell, almost burying the slender figure.

Chu MuYun didn’t even look at him.
He turned and left, returning to the LingYun Sect.

Three years later, Ling Xuan once again climbed up to LingYun Sect’s peak. 

Chu MuYun looked at him coldly.

Ling Xuan raised his eyebrows and smiled, showing his white teeth.
He called him,  “Senior brother.”

He became the sixth disciple of Ling Shan.
The most unruly one.

Chu MuYun didn’t mind letting Ling Xuan stay in LingYun Sect but he was still the tomb guardian  and still had to guard the corresponding body.

It was actually really interesting.
Perhaps because Ling SuYun was nourishing Ling Xuan’s wandering soul, the two of them actually felt inexplicably familiar with each other when they met.

However, the fact was that Ling SuYun hated Ling Xuan to the extreme and Ling Xuan was always looking for ways to kill Ling SuYun.

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Please read the latest updates at the original source: whiteskytranslations dot wordpress dot com.

After Ling Xuan’s wandering soul was completely integrated into Ling SuYun, Ling SuYun returned to himself and there was nothing similar to Ling Xuan anymore.
In contrast, his comprehension also dropped and his cultivation stopped advancing.
It was clear there was no glorious future waiting for him.

Such an aptitude should not be able to arouse Ling Xuan’s fighting intent at all, but… what Ling Xuan had towards him was an intent to kill him that can’t be hidden.

What was the reason?

Of course Chu MuYun knew: Because he protected Ling SuYun everywhere he went, to the point where he was almost inseparable from him.

After Ling Xuan became a disciple of the LingYun Sect, Chu MuYun never fought him again.

But once, when Ling Xuan accidentally injured Ling SuYun, it angered Chu MuYun a lot.

That was the second time that Chu MuYun fought him and he unilaterally crushed Ling Xuan due to his anger.

From then on, Ling Xuan focused on Ling SuYun.
Because as long as he attacked him, Chu MuYun would definitely fight him.

And it was a life-and-death duel full of murderous intent without the slightest intent of holding back.

Hundreds of years passed this kind of deadlock.

Ling Mu gave everything to Ling SuYun and turned from the favored son of heaven to a ‘watchdog’.

Ling Xuan eventually rebelled against the Dao and was finally expelled from the LingYun Sect because of his widespread killing that caused the public to rise up against him.
{The reason that the Demon Lords are called that is because they practice demon cultivation (also translated as devil cultivation or Devil Lords by other translations), i.e.
the opposite of a righteous sect like LingYun Sect.}

It was still about one hundred years before he would encounter Gluttony. 

And Chu MuYun had one more crucial task left to do.

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