g Long said as he pulled out his phone and showed Shi Hui his digital pet in the Pandamonium App.
It was a cloaked floating wombat with a skull mask on the side of its head, holding a scythe while carrying a basket full of candies.

”It ’s just too cute, ” Deng Long commented as he could not wait to visit Jin´s store to play with his wombat.


”Take a deep breath. ” Se Lang knew that they were sinking, so he immediately killed a zombie near him and checked the bottom of the seat.
”Life vest! At least Boss Jin still managed to make this instance as realistic as it can be. ” Se Lang thought to himself as he put on the life vest for the unconscious Jia Ying.

After which, he killed another few zombies that were trying to grab him with his scythe blade before finding another life vest to wear.
”In this kind of stupid horror scenario, I should bring another life vest in case the other one doesn ’t work. ” Se Lang thought to himself as he grabbed a few life vests, threw them into a sling bag that was lying around and wore one for himself.
Se Lang then continued to place Jia Ying on his shoulder as he held onto her thighs so that he had a free arm to swing his weapon when he needed to.

However, that short amount of time those preparations took, allowed a few of the zombies to break free, desperately crawling towards Se Lang.
”Gah, no time to deal with you guys! ” Se Lang ’s heart was pounding, for what he was about to execute, could turn into a life or death situation.
He called his Icesteel Scythe out of his storage ring and kept the one with the blood explosion inscription.

”Intermediate Scythe Art! Moon Divide of the Wacky Wolf! ” Se Lang aimed his scythe at the side of the plane and performed his weapon art.
The chi absorbed by the Icesteel Scythe was incredibly big compared to his previous scythe, but it allowed him to dish out a vastly stronger attack as well.
With just one swing, his weapon art had cleanly cut the plane into two, leaving him with seconds of oxygen available, before the entire interior of the aircraft broke into two.

”Intermediate Scythe Art!!! Moon Barrier of the Wacky Wolf! ” Se Lang yelled once more as he twirled and whirled his Icesteel scythe with just one hand.
The chi he expelled for this skill was immense mainly because this barrier was now for two instead of one.
Also, it was not a simple two-dimensional barrier but a three-dimensional one which simulated a sphere like chi barrier around Jia Ying and him.

Furthermore, the Icesteel scythe gave his chi barrier the element of ice, creating a thin ice coating around Se Lang and Jia Ying.
Se Lang was betting on this after he had previously learnt how elemental weapons could affect their skills.
Although it could be considered a double edge sword, it barely saved Se Lang and Jia Ying this time around.

Upon realising the potential of the ice element affecting the chi barrier, he used the same weapon art, Moon Barrier of the Wacky Wolf once more to reinforce his barrier.
The thin ice coating became thicker, and this gave Se Lang some peace of mind before he relaxed and panted for his breath.

”If my physics knowledge is not that rusty….
Maybe we can float up to the surface of the sea… ” Se Lang vaguely remembered the density of Ice is lighter than water.
If such physical properties still hold true in this dungeon instance, maybe they could float up.
That was also assuming no Deep Ones were attacking them.

All Se Lang could do now is hope.
Hope that Jia Ying and him could get out of this dreadful scenario alive.


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