ed Tie Guan Yin, ” he replied.

”1888 Yuan.
You have to pay now, ” she said perfunctorily.
He transferred immediately.

The viewers overheard Zhang Zian.

”Oh no! what makes Mr.
Scrooge open up his wallet? He must’ve faked being stingy before. ”
Waitress, you’d better double check his transfer in case it was fake.
I heard that was a popular fraud these days. ”
The waitress seriously double checked a few times and then yelled to the back, ”One top graded Tie Guan Yin. ”
The female owner responded, ”No problem. ”
She pulled out another similar tea set to that of Snowy’s and started making tea using the same method.

She threw away the first brew and started serving from the second brew.

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A cup of amber color tea was served to Zhang Zian.
The waitress went back to prepare for the next brew.

The teahouse was filled with aroma from different tea being brewed.
At this time, the strongest smell came from Zhang Zian’s tea cup.
The hot steam slowly distributed the refreshing smell of his tea.

The hat of the benevolent and righteous cat slightly moved.
The movement really took attention to see and could be easily ignored.

The aroma from tea must’ve brought her here.
However, she had not had a chance to try the tea because robbing or stealing simply wasn’t her style.

How to attract her to drink his tea?
Such a pride cat would not like free food.
He could not force her to come either.

Zhang Zian raised his head and said, ”one more top graded Tie Guan Yin. ”
”Sir, are you sure? ” the female owner was shocked.
Although she was very confident at her brewing skills, it was the first time a customer ordered two pots of Tie Guan Yin.
”Of course.
Come get the money, ” he walked to the waitress and again transferred 1888 Yuan.
”You didn’t even finish your second brew, ” the waitress reminded him.
”That’s fine.
I am waiting for a friend, ” he replied.

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His weird actions made the viewers curious.
However, he was sitting behind Snowy so the viewers could only hear his voice but not see him.

Shortly, the owners made her third pot of top graded Tie Guan Yin of the day.
The waitress sent over the third brew of the second pot and the second brew of the third pot.
Since the tea set was different, he could easily tell.

”Put this cup across from me please, ” he pointed at the second brew of the third pot.

Now, there were two cups of tea in front of him and one cup across from him.

Soon, there were three cups in front of him and three cups across from him.

”Got to drink this tea hot.
It won’t taste good when it gets cold, ” Zhang Zian seemed like he was talking to himself.

The waitress said to him after sending all the tea to his table, ”Sir, both pots of your tea are on your table.
Enjoy. ”
After the waitress left, Zhang Zian said to the bamboo hat, ”there are so many people in this world.
Fate brings people together.
Would you like to enjoy some tea with me? ” His voice was extremely low and he was quite far from the cat.
However, the cat should’ve heard him because cats are eight times more sensitive to hearing than humans.

Righteousness also meant to be casual and not limited by any form of social status.
A simple word or a glass of wine could bring two very different people together as lifelong friends.
It works the same as the chemistry between lovers.

From other people’s eyes, Zhang Zian looked like he was murmuring to his cell phone, or trying to take a selfie.

A few seconds later, from his cell phone monitor, he saw her stand up from the fireplace, lightly shake her body as if she was shaking off some dust from her vest, and then she slowly walked towards him one step at a time.

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