s ago he did not sense any presence around him, the fact that this person could hide from his range of perception meant that he was incredibly skilled.

The person who called out to Izroth stepped out from behind the large rock but still remained hidden from the sight of the ’Goblin Soldier ’ monsters as though they did not want to be discovered.
”Please, you must help me, fellow adventurer! My name is Gilidore, and there is something I must get back no matter what! ”

Izroth laid his eyes upon the person who approached him.
It turned out to be a male who was almost six feet tall, had crimson red hair, light gray eyes and a cape on his back.
Though what caught Izroth a bit off guard was the character information displayed before him.
At least it explained why he did not discover this person with his incredible senses.

NPC Name: Gilidore (Elite)

NPC Level: ???

Izroth frowned, ”Why do you need my help? ”

This was the first time Izroth had seen the level ’??? ’ since he fought against the world boss ’Shadow Wolf ’.
That had to mean that this NPC was incredibly strong! But if that were the case, why would it need his help to get something back?

”Please, you must! If they discover the true power of the item they ’ve stolen, it could mean the destruction of all the nearby villages and towns! Fellow adventurer, you must assist me in retrieving that item at all cost! ” Gilidore said while pleading in a serious tone.

Izroth suddenly received a message from the system!

Ding! You have received a quest!

Ding! Since you are not in a party, the quest rank has been increased!

Ding! Do you wish to accept the quest?

Quest Name: Relic of Power

Recommended Level: 10

Recommended Party Size: 4-5

Quest Rank: A

Quest Objective: The goblins have stolen a precious relic of power that contains an untapped and mighty energy.
If this energy is harnessed properly, it can grant its user great and unforetold power!

Time Limit: 2 hours

0/1 Find the location of the stolen ’Relic of Power ’ before its secrets are uncovered.

0/1 Return the ’Relic of Power ’ to Gilidore.


-x8 silver coins

-Gilidore ’s Cape (Uncommon)


When Izroth saw the rewards a smile instantly arrived on his face.
Even though Izroth could not see one of the rewards when it showed as ’??? ’ that meant it had to be something good!

”I will help you recover the lost relic, I accept ” Izroth said with a firm resolve.

Ding! The quest ’Relic of Power ’ is now active in your quest logs!

Ding! The quest time limit of ’Relic of Power ’ has been started! 2 hours remaining!

”We must hurry! I ’ll take care of distracting those two ’Goblin Soldiers ’ while you go ahead.
I ’ll soon catch up with you! Remember, we do not have a lot of time left before its too late! ” Gilidore seemed elated at the fact he had finally found some help.

Gilidore then turned around and while using the giant stones as cover, increased the distance between him and Izroth but decreased the distance between himself and the ’Goblin Soldiers ’.
There was a little sack attached to Gilidore ’s waist as he reached inside and pulled out two small sphere shaped items.
Gilidore tossed the two small sphere shaped items directly at the feet of both the ’Goblin Soldiers ’ standing guard.

The ’Goblin Soldiers ’ looked down at the small round object at their feet.
They began to speak in an incomprehensible language to one another as though they were trying to discover what those objects were.
One of the ’Goblin Soldiers ’ reached down to pick up the item sniffing it a few times and was just about to eat it when all of a sudden the two small objects blew up in their faces!

”BOOM! ”

Although the explosion wasn ’t huge, it was enough to absolutely enrage both of the ’Goblin Soldiers ’ as they waved around their large clubs in an enraged manner.

Gilidore knew that goblins were simple-minded creatures.
There were some rare variants, but most had the intelligence of a child or worse.
He was aware that those miniature explosive spheres would cause them to be infuriated!

Gilidore stepped out from hiding behind the stones and waved in the direction of the ’Goblin Soldiers ’.
”Heeeeeeeeey! Over here! What ’s the matter? Afraid of a little explosion? Hahahaha! ” Gilidore blatant behavior caused the furious ’Goblin Soldiers ’ to rush over towards him.
But the closer they got, the further he retreated making them chase after him.
Not too long after, the entrance to the building was clear of guards.

Izroth felt a bit of regret, ”Those monsters probably gave quite a good amount of EXP and loot… ”.
He had yet to fight against an elite monster, but with a title like ’Elite ’ how could it not give good rewards?

Izroth could only continue onward.
Besides, he still had the rewards from the quest to look forward to! Not too long after he arrived at the entry point of the large building with no roof and took a look inside to see no monsters guarding the hall entering into it.

Izroth walked inside of the hallway and came to a wooden door, and on it was a sign with writing.
But the writing was not in some weird or strange goblin language, it was actually in human language!

’Beware! I know foolish humans will try to stop! But cannot! Humans know not power! Humans waste! Power will make king! ’

The sentence was a bit choppy and hard to understand.
In the writing, it kept referring to humans as though it were not one of them.
Could it be that this was a goblin ’s writing?!

Izroth was fairly surprised by the writing but understood what the basic message behind it was.
”Maybe that goblin is the one who has the relic of power… ” Izroth thought to himself.
However, he would not get answers standing out here.

Izroth finally pulled open the door to the building while remaining on guard.



-90 HP!

410/500 HP Remaining! (Izroth)

An arrow had flown out and struck Izroth! Even though he was on guard and managed to draw his ’Nameless Blade ’ in time to parry it, the arrow still dealt a good amount of damage!

Izroth eyes turned cold as he looked towards where the arrow had shot out from within the inside of the building.


Izroth heard that strange noise and knew instantly what had attacked him…
A goblin!

Name: Goblin Archer(Elite)

Level: 11

HP: 1,500/1,500

ATK: 150

DEF: 45

AGI: 80

MAG: 0


Piercing Arrow(Active): Deals 110% of the goblin archer attack as damage.
Ignores some physical defenses.

Arrow Rain(Active): The goblin archer releases a hail of arrows dealing 75% of the goblin archer attack as damage every 1 second to all enemies within the arrow rain ’s range.
Last 5 seconds.

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