due to the fact the person he recognized was the second player today that he had met back inside of the Chaotic Dogma Realm.

His name was Qi Jiguang and even though Izroth did not exchange many words with him, from their brief interaction with one another, he could tell that Qi Jiguang was a step well above those players within top guilds that called themselves elites simply by the experienced aura he gave off.

Qi Jiguang had a slightly surprised look on his face when he saw that it was Izroth who had entered into the tent.
His mind went blank for a few moments before his surprise was replaced by excitement!

Last time he secretly wanted to have a match with Izroth, however, his main goal was to locate and kill Silent Steps.
Unfortunately, he was transported out of the Chaotic Dogma Realm before he could finish off Silent Steps.
Furthermore, the Chaotic Dogma Realm was not exactly the ideal place to request a match.

There was a part of him that still regretted, at the very least, not adding Izroth, or one of his friends, to contact him at a later date.
However, who would have thought that they would meet in a place like this! It appeared that sometimes the world truly was a small place!

Qi Jiguang gave a small nod to Izroth.
While he was itching for a match, he would not go about it in a rude way.
He would at least wait until a more appropriate time before he discussed it.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Izroth returned Qi Jiguang ’s nod with one of his own as he walked over towards Mirage and the others.

”Great, now that everyone has gathered, we can finally begin! ” Robin said as he removed a Realm Chart from a belt at the side of his waist.
The Realm Chart was very detailed, but it only contained a very limited area with a specific route clearly outlined on it, however, there were multiple paths towards the end of the route that branched off into various directions.

He then continued, ”First off, as one of the vice-leaders of the Silver Hawk Merchants Caravan, I want to thank you all for accepting our last minute request.
We know that what we ask of you may not necessarily be an easy task, however, we ’ll be relying on all of you to provide security for our wagons and personnel. ”

Robin pointed to a mark on the Realm Chart and said, ”This is the area of the border that we ’ll be entering through.
Once we pass the checkpoint here, we ’ll officially be within Proximus territory.
Our final destination will remain a secret due to security reasons, however, you will all be informed of any changes in our plans along the way. ”

”I urge everyone to use extreme vigilance.
The factions and bandits that lurk within the outskirts of the Proximus territory are well known for their trickery and sneaky methods.
Make sure you second guess everything you see along the way, as it may be a potential disaster that awaits us.
Once we reach this location… ”

Robin went over some major and minor details, as well as, the arrangement of what sections each individual group would be guarding.
After they finished their discussion, everyone stepped out of the tent to see that the wagons were fully packed and ready to go.

At the front of each wagon was a creature that looked like the cross between a lizard and a horse.
They were creatures known as Equosavra.
Although the creatures were not the fastest of land runners, they were strong, incredibly durable, and difficult to frighten.
This made it so that they would not randomly run off with the wagons if a fight happened to break out.

”I wonder if they ’ll let me try riding one. ” Mirage said in an excited tone.

”Even if they did let you ride one, I don ’t think it ’s something that you ’d enjoy.
Equosavras are known for being highly temperamental when it comes to a person riding on their backs.
The scales on its back can spike up to protect itself and well…
It shouldn ’t be necessary to speak any further than this. ” Izroth explained.

”Spike up? ” Mirage shivered at the thought.
Who would want anything spiking up when they were sitting down?!

Izroth and his party took their position towards the rear of the caravan while Qi Jiguang ’s group guarded the middle and the party of six players guarded the front.
This arrangement was decided using the number of players in each party.
The party with the most players would guard the front while those with the least players would guard the rear.

”Alright! Remember to keep your eyes open everyone! We ’re moving out! ” Robin ordered as the caravan began its journey towards the Amaharpe-Proximus border.

Since they were less than one hundred meters away from the border, it did not take long before they reached the first official checkpoint.

Robin talked with the guards at the checkpoint for a couple of minutes before they were finally able to continue on their journey and cross into Proximus territory.

”Vice-leader, are you sure that those guards will keep their part of the deal? ” Needle asked.
He had just seen Robin offer a sizable amount of gold to prevent those guards from sending their arrival and destination coordinates via magic signal as was required of all caravans or merchants crossing into Proximus territory with goods.
However, could they really be trusted?

”We don ’t have a choice.
Even if it only buys us a bit more time, it ’s worth the price.
We ’ll just have to hope that they hold up their end of the bargain.
In the end, it ’s only an extra security precaution to prevent any factions from picking up the magic signal by chance.
Besides, we ’ve taken other precautions to make sure that things go just as planned.
Do not lose focus. ” Robin spoke in a stern tone.

As Izroth crossed the Amaharpe-Proximus border, he received a few alerts from the system.

〈System Alert: You have left the first kingdom, «Amaharpe»!〉

〈System Alert: You have entered into the third kingdom, «Proximus»!〉

〈System Alert: The kingdom «Proximus» you have crossed into has an official treaty with the kingdom «Amaharpe»!〉

After crossing the borders, Izroth immediately noticed a difference in the surrounding atmosphere.
It felt as if his body was constantly being bombarded by an invisible force.
However, it was not like that of a gravity pocket which was an uncomfortable experience, instead, it was more like a wave of gentle water that washed over him.

’So, this is Proximus? The air here feels heavier than that of Amaharpe ’s. ’

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