’s been even more useful than I ever envisioned.
No matter what, I cannot allow her to escape my grasp. ” Vault thought to himself.

He smirked as he approached Menerva and said, ”Did you really think I was going to let you walk away after the first event ended? It looks like buying that rundown place wasn ’t a complete waste, after all.
As long as it ’s in my hands, you will continue to be my obedient dog until the day you die. ”

Menerva did not respond and stayed indifferent.
She did not even spare a single glance or word to Vault as the fighting on the battlefield intensified.

”This filthy dog…! Am I not even worthy of entering her sights when I speak?! ” Vault internalized.

He could tolerate some disrespect from the other Twelve Banes given their usefulness; however, when he thought back to how Meng Jiang openly embarrassed him in front of his subordinates, Vault ’s anger resurfaced.

Without warning, Vault grabbed Menerva by the lower part of her face.
He needed someone to vent his anger on, and it just so happened that he had the perfect person right next to him!

”Who do you think you are, huh? When I speak to you, you look at me and respond! If I want you to bark like a dog, you ask loud! Just because you ’ve been a bit useful, don ’t forget your place! You ’re just another piece of property! You belong to me! ” Vault scowled as he forced Menerva to look him in the eyes.

He then continued, ”Say it.
Say, ’I ’m your property.
Thank you for not abandoning this filthy dog of yours, owner! ’. ”

Menerva kept a neutral expression and did not open her mouth to speak.

Seeing this upset Vault even more as he tightened his grip.

”Fine, you can stay quiet.
Perhaps I ’ll pay a visit to that place and see if the others are more…
Cooperative. ” Vault stated as his eyes turned cold.

When those words left his mouth, Menerva ’s body shook slightly.

A few moments later, her lips parted as she finally spoke in a low voice, ”…I ’m your p- ”

”Oh? Your personality is more twisted than I gave you credit for. ” A voice abruptly sounded from right behind Vault.

”Who-?! ” Vault ’s heart dropped.
How did someone manage to sneak up this close to him with the safety measures he had in place?!

Vault quickly released his grip on Menerva.
He tried to reach for the weapon at his side and turn to face his assailant; however, before he could fully turn his head, Vault felt an overwhelming force press down on him.

”…Eh? ” Vault ’s mind went temporarily blank as he attempted to process what had just transpired.

Right now, Vault ’s forehead was buried into the ground at Menerva ’s feet.
If one viewed it from an outside perspective, it looked as if Vault was kowtowing to Menerva!

”Boss! ” Doctor Dark exclaimed as he got ready to rush forward to assist Vault.

However, the instant Doctor Dark saw the assailant; his face turned pale.

”It ’s you! ” Doctor Dark grit his teeth out of hatred but did not dare charge onward.

This person was the same one who killed him back in the Towering Oak Forest while he was in the middle of a huge score! But what baffled him the most was that this individual was supposed to be dead!

”You bastard…! Do you know how I am?! I ’m-! ” Vault furiously shouted as he tried to lift his head.


Vault ’s head was driven deeper into the earth before he could finish his sentence.

”I ’ll kill you…! I swear I ’ll kill you!!!! ”


Every time Vault spoke, his head was lifted and then slammed against the ground.

Menerva ’s eyes widened slightly as she looked at the person who appeared in front of her with their hand pinning Vault ’s face to the earth.
Even she seemed taken aback by their presence here.

After a few extra head slams, Vault finally fell silent.
This humiliation—whoever was responsible, he would make them wish they were dead by the time he got finished with them!

”You sure gave me quite a bit of trouble. ” A carefree voice sounded as the person who arrived before Menerva stood straight with his foot firmly planted on Vault ’s head to keep it buried into the earth.

This person was none other than Izroth!

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