Ceraisian Empire was located in a super continent called Coureroy. It was home for many races; Vampire, Aarakocra, Bugbear, Lizardfolk, and many more.

Each race had their own nation, and generally they avoided war with each other. Especially against the human. Humans had the never-ending thirst for achievement. After they got one, they asked for two, after they got two, they asked for four. Their relentless strive for greatness was something the other races avoided. They didn ’t want to become the trophy for the human. And so currently, only humans were in major war, while the others only involved in small skirmish.

The Thignia Kingdom was located to the north of Ceraisian. Their border touched shoulders to shoulders, and both nation frequently traded with each other. Humans offered their blood, while vampires gave anything else they had.

The strongest being in this super continent was at Adamantite rank. Each nation only had one of these beings, and they usually did not move around because each of their step could shook the world. They weren ’t involved in battle unless it threatened the existence of the race.

Aldred sat on the carriage as the horses pulled it through the gate. Ruandeurtin was a highly defended fortress. It was surrounded by thick and tall walls with hundreds of guards present at all times. They stared at him with suspicious eyes. It seemed they were wary of spies for fear of sabotage.

The blacksmith hammered down on a sword in front of the armory. Sparks came out every time he hammered down. Soldiers walked with certain steps like they knew where they were going and what they were about to do. It didn ’t look like a normal town where the people walked around in leisure. Everyone was at work. A lot of them stared at him with suspicion.

They whispered something. Some of them went away to report him to the higher ups. He might not be caught, but the knight and other soldiers would certainly kept and eye on him.

Ruandeurtin was governed by a captain. A captain ’s rank was right below Commander of Knights, but their influence and power were insurmountable. A captain could only lead five thousand knights, while a Commander of Knights could lead more than forty thousand knights.

In a large battle, each of these knights could lead one platoon or fifty squires, and a High Knight might lead more than 250 Knight.

The fort wasn ’t that extravagant thankfully, or the enemy might take it as a great offense and add more soldiers to their own forts.

The total population of this fort was around twelve thousand and six hundred. Five thousands of them were Knights. Seven thousand of them were Squires, and the rest were blacksmiths, alchemists, cook, and servants.

As the carriage went forward. A Knight with thick armor approached them. ”Stop right there! Show me your identification! ”

”Did you already forget me, Bartrem? ”

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