misguided attempt to trick myself… ”

”Pathetic… How regretful… ”

Wu Yan was stunned, he bitterly laughed.

Isn ’t it absolutely unthinkable? He predicted this outcome, he could have told his descendants about this and laid down the foundation to handle this crisis should it materialize.

Isn ’t that the most effective method?

But, Ailu didn ’t do that.
He sealed the countermeasure in a god-forsaken place.
He also placed the key in a place where only Guardians and imperial descendants can access it.
This is as dangerous as it is inefficient.

How can Ailu be sure that someone will get all the components together before the calamity strikes? For instance, what if nobody ever made it out of the secret stash spot with the three rings? What if that person never got a chance to meet his projection in the Ailu treasury? What if that person never got the chance to enter the Domain of Gods?

Even if Ailu is a god-tier being, this outcome seemed like it wouldn ’t have happened under any other ordinary scenarios.

Ailu still chose to use these ineffective measures.
Subconsciously, Ailu must have wanted to sabotage any attempts at obtaining the anti-calamity stop-gaps.

He doesn ’t desire the demise of Silvaria.
He just wanted to delude himself into thinking the calamity will not strike if no one ever got to unlock his rings.

This is vain and ultimately futile to stop something he saw coming.

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It is also a fallacy to assume that if no one got the measure then the calamity will not come.

Ailu isn ’t dumb enough to admit his folly.

Ailu said it himself, he tried to fool himself.

Wu Yan wasn ’t sure why someone of his power level would fall to such a low level.
This is just unthinkable.
He finally understood one thing…

Why he felt pity when he saw the Ailu projection.

”This tree, it ’s the sapling of the Guardian Tree. ”

Ailu changed the topic.
Wu Yan also turned towards the ancient tree.

”This sapling wasn ’t infused with our divine godly powers, that ’s why it doesn ’t have the same abilities as the Guardian Tree. ”

”The Guardian Tree is essentially a treasure that can open spatial pathways, illusions, dreams, and ward off enemies.
This sapling is not as powerful.
It stands out, however, since it carries an extra ability, the power to open seals and break barriers. ”

”With this sapling ’s help, it should take three days to break the seal on the Ring of Power. ”

Ailu turned around, he pointed at the pool in front of the sapling.

”That pool of water is also a treasure.
As for its effects, well, you ’ll know once you enter the pool.
Take it as insufficient compensation for the sins we have saddled on you… ”

Ailu ’s projection turned his back towards Wu Yan, with his hands behind his back, he looked longingly into the sky, it ’s as if the projection was lost in its own thoughts.

His sigh suffused the space once more.

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”God-tier cultivators, in the end, that ’s just another name for humans who maxed out their powers.
If there is an omnipotent god, may Silvaria be in His protection… ”

His tiny prayer became the last trace of Ailu to ever exist.
The figure blurred and dissipated into tiny lights.

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