
“This name will be passed down through the ages!”

Zhou Hao was a little shocked after hearing this.
This had completely overturned his imagination.

However, this was nothing.
After all, Zhou Hao had seen too many of them, let alone them riding on swords!

Even if they could come up with a dinosaur, Zhou Hao would still believe it!

“So, if you can master the myriad returning swords, you need to awaken the sword spirit.
Otherwise, you won’t be able to cultivate it.”

Fairy Yue Ling said directly, causing Zhou Hao to nod.

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“It seems that I need to make a trip to your Saint dynasty.
I wonder if you welcome me.”

Zhou Hao laughed.
As soon as he said that, fairy Yue Ling’s face flashed with a hint of panic.

“You … You’re coming to the Holy court to activate the sword spirit?”

Fairy Yue Ling’s expression confused Zhou Hao.
He did not know if this girl was willing or not.

“Um … What’s wrong? You don’t welcome me?”

Zhou Hao could not help but ask curiously.

“It’s not that I’m willing or not, but … But there’s a natural barrier over there, and very few people can get in.

“The Holy court has been in seclusion for thousands of years.
The disciples of the Holy court can’t go out, and other disciples can’t come in either.
So, I’m afraid you can’t come in and activate the sword spirit!”

Hearing this, Zhou Hao was speechless.
He didn’t know if Fairy Moon Spirit was lying to him!

However, whether he was lying to him or not, Zhou Hao still had to go!

It wasn’t just because of this ultimate technique!

It was because the strength gem was there!

He had to go to the Holy court!

However, Zhou Hao did not ask about fairy Yue Ling’s whereabouts in vain.
Instead, he chatted with him for a while before logging out of the heavenly Dao software.

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At this moment, the Flying Ship was on the right track.
What they had to deal with now was the treasure in the forbidden land.

Zhou Hao took a deep breath.
He had been out for a long time, so it wasn’t a big deal.
After all, there was no time limit for the missions in the mercenary training camp.
As long as he could finish them quickly, it would be fine.

That was why Zhou Hao had the time to follow these people to the planet kemorodan.

After all, that thing was still very tempting to Zhou Hao.
Moreover, with these few guys following him, the chances were still very high!

The speed of the Flying Ship was very fast.
After a few space jumps, they arrived at the planet of kemorodan in about a day.

To Zhou Hao’s surprise, this planet looked almost the same as planet Earth.
It was surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers.

Zhou Hao was dumbfounded.
In a daze, he thought that he had returned to Earth Star.

This was truly a planet suitable for human habitation.

“Boss, do you see that place over there that looks like the five Finger Mountain? that’s the forbidden area.”

Zhou Hao nodded.
Just as he was about to fly the spaceship over, he was stopped by the gray-haired man.

“Boss, let’s stop near the foot of the mountain.
It’s best to find a place where there’s no one but we can have a better view.
This way, we won’t be discovered by them and we won’t alert them.
We can also secretly observe their movements.”

The gray-haired man’s suggestion was reasonable.

This was because Zhou Hao had already zoomed in on the surroundings of the mountain through the LED screen on the spaceship.

He discovered that there were people everywhere near the mountain, and most of them had already set up camps, as if they were waiting for the spirit Qi to disperse and enter the forbidden area.

How many people who came here were not looking for the legendary Milky Way star?

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