away from me, a mean voice tells me how stupid I am for trusting others and that it will only lead to more pain. ’ Lith replied.

’That makes the two of us.
Mine says that I ’ll never be able to walk among people nor have a normal life. ’ She sighed.

They spent the rest of the time in silence, simply appreciating each other ’s company and the feeling of security that their bond granted them.

”How do you feel? ” Faluel asked.

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Lith and Solus gave her a thumbs up, Nalrond kept sleeping, while the others assumed a foetal position, hiding their faces between their knees.

”Excellent! ” Faluel used Invigoration on the non-Awakened and resumed speaking before Nalrond could realize that the nightmare in front of his eyes was real.

”Now that you are accustomed to the basics of Spirit Magic, let ’s move to something more complex.
As I said earlier, Spirit Magic is the seventh element and it can be mixed with the others.

”I ’ll only teach you how to cast mixed spells and up to tier three.
Upper tiers are part of my legacy and I ’m not going to share them.
I will still provide you with all the means to come up with your own spells, or in the case of the non-Awakened, the means to defend themselves.

”First, a quick recap.
Normal spells are obtained by mixing your mana with the external elemental energies.
Like this. ” A sphere of thunder appeared in Faluel ’s left palm.

”This is something anyone can do.
Fake mages, true mages, and Awakened.
What only Awakened can do, is to replace their mana with Spirit Magic, use it to bond with the elemental energies, and then coat them with it. ”

Faluel waved her hand and a small air blade the size of a saucer struck at one of the walls, leaving a small cut in the rock.

”That ’s regular first magic. ”

A second wave generated another small blade the features of which were visible to the naked eye.
The air blade struck the wall and after leaving a deeper cut that formed an X with the other, it returned to Faluel like an obedient dog.

”While that is Spirit Magic mixed with first magic.
As you can see, it allows me to bend or ignore some of the rules the elements usually abide by.
Air blades don ’t disappear after a single hit, darkness becomes fast, and well, you know the rest.

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”Your task is simply to use Spirit Magic instead of mana to cast your favorite first magic spell.
If you succeed, remember that you ’ll need to coat the conjured elemental energy with the same amount of Spirit Magic, or the differences with a normal spell will be negligible. ” Faluel said.

”Why can ’t we just conjure a first magic spell as usual and just coat it with Spirit Magic? ” Quylla asked while Lith had already started practicing.

”Because that would mean mixing three different energies.
The exercise is already difficult as it is, there ’s no need to further complicate it. ” Faluel replied

”On top of that, the foundation of Spirit Magic allows the rest to be spread evenly whereas the mana in a normal spell is bound to the elemental energy so strongly that the Spirit Magic can ’t take root. ”

’This is more difficult than I thought. ’ Solus considered herself a master of tier zero Spirit Magic, yet the exercise baffled her.
’Normally, my mana mixes with the elemental energy as soon as it leaves my body, while now I have to conjure them one at a time.

’To weave a lightning bolt, I visualize one as I emit the mana whereas here, I have to focus on the strand of Spirit Magic and only then visualize the bolt.
The two thoughts don ’t combine easily and solidified mana don ’t seem very good at conjuring the elements. ’

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