
**Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to TMNT or the cover art.**


Coldness. Thats the first thought that entered my mind. Voices. The second thought is that I can understand their language but I could also tell that there are a few of them atleast.

As the stasis pod finishes its rejuvenation process I finally open my eyes for the first time in 65 million years to see what I think is a hallucination. I mean, who would think that its normal to be saved by a 6-foot turtle with a purple mask and oversized glasses. I rubbed my eyes but its still there, and speaking to me in a worried tone? My third thought is panic that everything I sacrificed for all went horribly wrong.

I need answers. I think to muself as I shake the fatigue from my head and tried to step out of the stasis pod. Only to stumble directly into the surprisingly strong arms of the humanoid turtle. His worry is getting increasingly noticeable but I just gently push away from him and give him a warm smile. I force my rubbery legs to hold my weight as I walk towards the center of the dark circular room.

As I step onto the slightly elevated crescent shaped platform, I waited for the DNA sequences to finish registering me, which doesn take long. The whole room started to light up and a control consul slowly rises form the outer edge of the platform with me in the center.

The room itself has an advanced air to it. With multiple big glowing blue crystals the size of my forearm lighting up the room. Behind me is four stasis pods, two of which don even look like they were used and the one I stepped out of looks like it was half torn apart. Along the walls in front of me hung large holographic screens. They are displaying everythin

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