
“Calm down.
It’s just a blackout,” said Shang Guanqi, laughing as she did.

“Oh… Hahaha…” Jiang Fei laughed awkwardly and shrugged it off.
Having no electricity was a little awkward but everyone could still carry on with their lives.
Although they could still finish their lunch, having no entertainment during noon was a little boring.
Everyone was so dependent on electricity nowadays that once they were cut off, life became dull and drab.

“That’s odd…”

Jiang Fei was not nervous.
It was just an interruption in electrical supply.
There could be many reasons for the blackout but at this age, electrical supply was almost perfected.
Unless someone dropped an EMP bomb in China, there was hardly any reason for the electrical supply to be disrupted.
There was not even any notification from the government about the electric disturbance and hence, it was odd for it to happen that day.

With the power outage in progress, Jiang Fei wanted to ask around for the reason.
His usual guy to get to was now in the Winter Islands.
Han Tianyu had become a man that was hard to reach.
Even though the Zhang family was now in cooperation with Jiang Fei, they could be fully trusted.

An hour later, power returned and when Jiang Fei could finally watch television and turned on the air-conditioner, all the oddity was tossed aside to the corner of his head.

“Perhaps it’s just a faulty transformer…”

It was only an hour before power was restored to the entire block.
Outage at this scale was odd but nothing to be alarmed about.
However, what he did not expect was power outage became a daily thing.
There would be three to four power outages occurring on a daily basis.

At this point, Jiang Fei began to scout around.
What he realized was, the first power outage affected not just his block but the entire city where he lived.
That happened only during the day and never at night.
One or twice was odd but believable.
Thrice a day and only during the day was something that Jiang Fei felt wrong.
The root of the problem could not just be a faulty transformer.
Something was going on!

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When there was power, television broadcast aired and the news informed that there were many nuclear power plants all around the state that had failed to produce a stable current.
Jiang Fei knew better than to believe what the media was telling the public.
After what he had seen and been through, he learned that it could not be something as simple as that.
The present human technology was still far behind but not too far that they could fail to produce proper electricity to the public!

As much as he wanted to investigate, there was literally zero leads for him to start with.
Then again, he was also too lazy to question those that might have relations to the nuclear power plant.
Fortunately, when Jiang Fei was too lazy to get out of the house, the military made the first move and contacted Jiang Fei.

Jiang Fei.
It’s nice to see you again,” said Qin Tian, standing at Jiang Fei’s doorstep.
It seemed highly likely that the problem this time had something to do with Metahumans.
Or else, Qin Tian would never meet him face to face.

“What are you doing here?” Jiang Fei asked, crossing his arms and arching his eyebrows.

“Now, now.
No need to be so hostile.
I’m here representing the nation’s military to discuss the recent power outage,” said Qin Tian with a straight face.

So it seems that even the military had something to do with it.”

“Not quite but here we are.”

“Let’s change the location.
We’ll talk somewhere else,” said Jiang Fei before he shut the door behind him.
As much as he hated it, Qin Tian should have called him about coming to his house.
He would not want to have the military involved with his family.

“Very well.”

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Jiang Fei lead Qin Tian and took him down to the ground level where he found a large, unpopulated cafe and sat there.

“What do you have for me?” Jiang Fei asked.

“Currently, we do not have much to go on.
From what we have gathered, we know that there is a mysterious beast, currently drawing power from the grid,” said Qin Tian sternly.

“A beast?”

The first thing that came to his mind was Doomsday but that was highly unlikely.

0541 had mentioned that Earth would never house any large beast.
There were only two alien beasts that had escaped from Braveheart; Void Manta and Doomsday.
They were both unrelated to electricity so what could that “beast” that Qin Tian mention be?

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