>This month’s income and expenditure have exceeded your income as a court mage.」

「Well, I asked for the average wage of a court mage after all.」

I didn’t want to get paid strangely high and stand out in a bad way.

In the end, he ended up being expelled from the court.
However, since Riito moved to Togen Village, his life satisfaction has increased dramatically so he doesn’t regret leaving the court.

Also, one more thing is going well.



「Riito-sama, it’s already lunchtime desu.
It’s time to eat the turnips we planted recently desu yo.」

「Thank you.
Did Frau cook lunch?」


Frau nodded cheerfully.

The cute apron he bought from Mia fits her well.

Frau’s progress in the Newt language has been remarkable as of late.

She has been learning the basics of the language for a long time and now she has two new people she can speak with, Riito and Navi.
There’s no better way of learning compared to practice.
That made her make rapid progress.

He’s now at a point where she can have a conversation with them normally.

「Frau, you don’t have to call me Riito-sama.」

「Eh? I can’t?」

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