It was the first time I heard such a request, so I felt embarrassed. 


“…Hands, I’m not yet ready mentally…”




“Of, of course, I don’t hate it.
I wish I could, but…… “


Noelier mumbled and shook his head.
Before long, he had dyed his ears red. 


I couldn’t say a word and just licked my lips. 


Noelier then asked imploringly, drooping down the corners of his eyes.


“…can’t you?”




The sight made me take a deep breath.
His moist red eyes made my heart thump and sink.
It was as if tears were about to fall.
My heart started beating faster than when I woke up in his arms.
My nostrils fluttered spontaneously. 


But he said sullenly, thinking that I was going to refuse. 


“······Was it too much to ask?”


 “No, rather than too much….” 

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“But last night, when Eve touched me, it felt so good…” 




No, this guy! What are you talking about in front of the kids? What do you mean touching?


I stood before him, waving my hand vigorously.


“Okay, okay.
I'll do it for you!” 


His face brightened with my consent. 


······ Is it really okay to do this? 


I was reluctant but I stretched out my hand.
As if Noelier had been waiting, he leaned his big body to meet mine.
His soft black hair scattered through my fingers.
His face relaxed even more. 


“Does this make you feel better?”






Noelier nodded with his eyes closed tightly. 


‘You asked me with that face, how can I not listen?’


I stared at him blankly.
My fingertips were burning.
I bit my lips in shame. 


 “Ruby, it’s just like what you said!”


Then a small whisper dug into the scene. 


“I told you, right? This is the best way to attack your sister.”


“Ruby is a genius.”


“But it's only the head.
It's too weak.
Only then when…” 


I turned my head sharply to the murmuring voices of the children.
The children glued to the window were looking at us with their eyes shining. 


Instantly, my face became hot. 




I quickly lowered my hand at the rushing embarrassment. 


As my hand fell, Noelier slowly opened his eyes. 


Disappointment spread on Noelier's face, but he did not ask for more. 


“….Thank you.” 


Noelier straightened his posture. 


When our eyes met, we averted both our gazes as if we had made a promise. 


“It’s, it's nothing.” As I said that, my voice trembled.
My heart was pounding as if I had done something wrong. 


“Now, I’m really leaving.” He smiled and said with a relaxed expression. 


I flinched and lowered my head.
After a while, as he was about to turn around and go, he stopped and looked back at me. 

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“……Be careful eating weird food.”


“Something weird?”  




What does that mean? 


I blinked and tilted my head.
How thorough I am about that.
Of course, I suffered from strange drugs yesterday, but it would not have happened if the merchant had not given me strange herbs.  


Don't worry.” I nodded and spoke proudly. 




A slight concern appeared on Noelier's face. 


No, really! Noelier seemed unaware of how wary of a wolf I was. 


Noelier, who had been staring at me for some time, smiled and nodded.  


“Yes, I see.
Then I'll leave now.”


He bowed politely and turned away from us. 




I looked at his back and waved blankly. 


Suddenly, my hand reached the end of my gaze.
I felt that there was still a soft touch on my fingertips, so I hurriedly lowered my hand.
A wolf stroking a dragon's head.
Besides, even his face was blushing……


I felt weird. 


“He's gone.” 


“It's alright.
He'll be back.”


At that moment, a whispering voice was heard again.


‘Yeah, it's all because our mouse drops were looking at us.’


I blamed the kids and opened my eyes.
When I turned my head, the frightened children hid under the window.


“You guys!”  


With loud footsteps, I entered the cottage. 


“Eek, let's run away, Ruby!” 


A whisper was heard from Zion as he pulled Rachel closer. 


“These mouse drops! You won’t come here?” 


I chased after them with a loud noise, like a monster in a fairy tale that will eat them.
The children ran around the narrow house, making voices out of half-fun and half-fear.
It was like tagging, but not like the usual tag. 


I tried to think of something else, but the fingertips that touched Noelier's hair seemed to keep getting hotter.



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