in leaving here alive.” 


Zhuo Fan nodded and gave a cold wave of his hand to get to it already.


[Quit dawdling and die already.
I’ll be sure to watch every second of it.]


Shui Ruohua lamented and sighed.
[He’s so cold.] A sinking feeling took hold of her heart. 


Chu Qingcheng muttered, “Senior sister, should I go instead?”


“Whatever for?” Zhuo Fan frowned his grip harder on her hand.


Sensing his care, Chu Qingcheng’s heart grew fuzzy, “I’ve been under senior sister’s care ever since I came to Mystical Heaven Sect.
Now it’s my turn to help.”


“Junior sister, it is my duty as the leader of Mystical Heaven Sect’s group.
I have to do this.” Shui Ruohua spoke with conviction and pride.


Zhuo Fan’s eyes darted from her to Chu Qingcheng, and pointed at Fiend Yang, “Neither, you will go!”


“Screw you, you infatuated sap! Why should I go?” Fiend Yang exploded.


Zhuo Fan shrugged, “You’re the Ethereal Stage expert here.
I feel like wanting to see the fog’s effect on one.
Will it be the same as the rest or you’ll put up a fight? Is it toxic fumes or an array? Letting those weaklings go won’t get me any answers.”


Fiend Yang’s heart beat out of his chest, his face miserable, yet no way to retort.


Turning to Fiend Gui and Fiend Yin, they found the walls much more interesting than him.


“Mhm, the kid makes sense.
You go.”


“Fiend Yang, your sacrifice is much needed to show us brothers the way.


The two sold him out and Fiend Yang was fuming, “You rotten piece of… You side with him and leave me to die? This is what I get for having you brothers for centuries.”


“Venerable Fiend Yang, you won’t be dying.
Don’t you trust me?” Zhuo Fan beamed. 


Fiend Yang sighed, “Rather be safe than sorry, though it hardly makes a difference.
If you can’t get anything out of my going, you’ll be following soon enough anyway.
Besides, I survived Double Dragon Gathering so I can survive anything!”


Fiend Yang walked on with conviction.


The rest admired him.
[These demonic cultivators are foul beyond reason, yet quite heroic when the need arises.]


Not like Mystical Heaven Sect’s disciples, all shying from danger, more scared than a woman.


It was the least respect they could give these foul miscreants.




Fiend Yang struck the fog with a palm attack.


The mighty blow boomed into the fog yet had no effect whatsoever.


Fiend Yang’s heart tensed, giving the fog enough time to grab him.
Just a touch was all it needed and Fiend Yang cried, “Zhuo Fan, this is…” 




His voice was cut off, and his body was engulfed in front of the shocked audience.


“Fiend Yang!”


The other two fiends shouted.
A powerful expert like Fiend Yang fell just like nothing.


[What the hell is this thing?]


Zhuo Fan’s brows were tight in thought, “This fog is not deadly by far, or it wouldn’t leave its victim to even make a peep.
By the looks of it, Fiend Yang found something.
Maybe this thing prevents any sounds from escaping, holding them in place for the mastermind to tie them up.”


“It’s certain that no one inside is dead, just frozen and unable to speak.
What matters is how to go in and save them.” Fiend Yin continued.


The others rejoiced to learn the fog didn’t take lives, though vexed as to how to deal with it.


It all came down to how to cross it without falling prey.


Zhuo Fan’s gaze drifted, “Just what is this odd thing…”

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