White Online

Chapter 130: Enemies Meet.

Oliver tightened his collar and patiently waited for the door to be opened. His black hair was styled in a slick haircut, which made him look like a polite gentleman with his brown sweater and black pants.

He perked up his ears as he heard noises coming from the house, and he instantly did a smile while holding a plastic bag in his right hand.


The door was opened, and a middle-aged woman with long flowy auburn hair appeared. She looked lovely with mature-looking curves and a face with a gentle look all around her.

’ ’Oh, Oliver. ’ ’ She said with a slight awkwardness, which wasn ’t noticed by Oliver.

’ ’Aunt Amy, is Amanda home? ’ ’ Oliver asked politely from Amanda ’s mother, Amy.

Amy looked inside the house towards the stairs and nodded, ’ ’Yes, Amanda is currently in her room. Do you want me to call for her? ’ ’

’ ’Actually… ’ ’ Oliver put his hand inside the bag and showed a DVD, ’ ’We were supposed to have a movie night. ’ ’

’ ’Ah, right. ’ ’ Amy covered her mouth with an apologetic look, ’ ’I must have forgotten about it, please come in. ’ ’ She stepped to the side and let Oliver enter.

She saw Oliver taking off his shoes and putting them on the shoe rack in a nice manner; every move he did was very smooth and calculated like he had trained for a long time.

Amy wryly smiled, she knew about Oliver ’s crush on Amanda, and sometimes, she thinks if Oliver really is good company to her daughter.

His crush on her doesn ’t seem simple.

She also had a hunch that Oliver might have moved right next to their house because Amanda once accidentally mentioned that their neighbors had moved away.

But, she shook her head out of those thoughts because she thought it was silly, because how could Oliver get his entire family to move because of his crush.

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